- 1. 摆动的;挥动的
- 2. 波动的;起伏的
- 1. 挥手;挥动
- 2. 挥动的动作;摆动
1. wave (动词) - 挥手;挥动
2. gesture (名词) - 手势
3. swing (动词) - 摇摆;摆动
4. flutter (动词) - 飘动;摇曳
5. oscillate (动词) - 振荡;摆动
1. waving - oscillating
2. waving - fluttering
3. waving - swinging
1. motionless
2. still
Waving (形容词): 1. 摆动的;挥动的。2. 波动的;起伏的。
Waving (名词): 1. 挥手;挥动。2. 挥动的动作;摆动。
Waving (形容词): 1. 摆动的;挥动的。2. 波动的;起伏的。
Waving (名词): 1. 挥手;挥动。2. 挥动的动作;摆动。
1. waving作为形容词时,通常用来描述物体或人正在摆动或挥动。
2. waving作为名词时,指的是挥手或挥动的动作。
- She stood by the roadside, waving goodbye to her friends. (她站在路边,向朋友挥手告别。)
- The flag on top of the building was waving in the wind. (楼顶上的旗帜在风中飘扬。)
- The child was waving a balloon in his hand. (孩子手里拿着一个气球在挥动。)
- The fields were filled with golden wheat, waving gently in the breeze. (田野里满是金黄的麦穗,在微风中轻轻地摇曳。)
- He waved his arms in excitement. (他激动地挥动着双臂。)
- The crowd erupted in cheers, waving their flags and banners. (人群中爆发出欢呼声,他们挥舞着旗帜和横幅。)
- The little girl was waving to her parents as the train pulled out of the station. (火车离开车站时,小女孩向她的父母挥手。)
- The wind was strong, causing the branches to wave vigorously. (风很大,使得树枝剧烈地摇摆。)
- She watched the waves crashing against the shore, their white foam waving in the sunlight. (她看着波浪冲击着海岸,它们的白色泡沫在阳光下起伏。)
- The dancer moved gracefully across the stage, her arms waving like wings. (舞者优雅地穿梭在舞台上,她的手臂像翅膀一样挥动。)
- With a wave of his hand, he signaled for the music to start. (他挥了挥手,示意音乐开始。)
- The ocean was calm, without a single wave. (海洋平静无波。)
- The book explores the wave-like pattern of economic cycles. (这本书探讨了经济周期的波状模式。)
- He gave a wave of recognition to his old friend across the room. (他向房间对面的老朋友示意认识。)
- The surfer rode the wave all the way to the shore. (冲浪者顺着浪一直冲到岸边。)
- The news sent shock waves through the stock market. (这个消息在股市中引起了震荡。)
- The politician's scandal created a wave of controversy. (这位政治家的丑闻引起了一阵争议。)
- The teacher's words had a profound impact and caused a wave of inspiration among the students. (老师的话产生了深远的影响,并在学生中引起了一股灵感。)
- He waved his hand dismissively, indicating that he didn't want to discuss the matter further. (他挥了挥手,不屑一顾地表示不想进一步讨论这个问题。)
- The ship sailed through the calm waters, the passengers waving goodbye to the shore. (船只驶过平静的水域,乘客向岸边挥手道别。)
- As she walked down the street, she couldn't help but notice the American flag waving proudly above the buildings. (她走在街上,忍不住注意到美国国旗在楼房上方自豪地飘扬。)