1. caregiving:照料的,护理的
例句:caregiving responsibilities 照料责任
1. caregiver:照顾者,护理人员
例句:She works as a caregiver at a nursing home. 她在养老院工作,担任护理人员。
2. caretaker:照顾者,看护人员
例句:The children's grandmother is their primary caretaker. 孩子们的奶奶是他们的主要照顾者。
3. provider:提供者,供养者
例句:The father is the main provider for the family. 父亲是家庭的主要供养者。
4. guardian:监护人
例句:The court appointed her uncle as her legal guardian. 法庭任命她的叔叔为她的法定监护人。
1. nurse:护士,护理人员
2. nanny:保姆,奶妈
3. babysitter:临时保姆,临时照顾者
4. housekeeper:家政,家政服务员
5. companion:陪伴者,陪护人
1. caregiver:照顾者,护理人员
2. caretaker:照顾者,看护人员
3. provider:提供者,供养者
4. guardian:监护人
care receiver(被照顾者,受护者)
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
A caregiver is a person, typically either a professional or a member of a patient's family, who provides assistance or care to someone who is sick, disabled, or elderly.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
A caregiver is a person who provides direct care (as for children, elderly people, or the chronically ill).
1. She devoted herself to being a caregiver for her aging parents.
2. The caregiver gently bathed the patient and helped with daily activities.
3. Many caregivers experience high levels of stress and burnout.
4. The role of a caregiver is often demanding and requires patience and empathy.
5. The caregiver provided emotional support to the patient and their family members.
- She works as a caregiver at a nursing home. 她在养老院工作,担任护理人员。
- The caregiver helps the elderly with daily tasks such as bathing and eating. 护理人员帮助老人完成洗澡和进食等日常任务。
- Being a caregiver can be emotionally challenging. 做一个护理人员在情感上是具有挑战性的。
- She hired a caregiver to assist with her disabled child. 她雇了一个护理人员来协助照顾她的残疾孩子。
- The caregiver patiently listened to the patient's concerns. 护理人员耐心地倾听患者的关切。
- As a caregiver, it is important to prioritize self-care. 作为一个护理人员,重视自我照顾很重要。
- The caregiver accompanies the elderly person to medical appointments. 护理人员陪同老人去看医生。
- Her mother became her primary caregiver after she was diagnosed with a chronic illness. 她被诊断出患有慢性疾病后,她的母亲成为了她的主要照顾者。
- The caregiver ensures the patient takes their medication as prescribed. 护理人员确保患者按照处方服用药物。
- The caregiver provides companionship and emotional support to the elderly. 护理人员为老人提供陪伴和情感支持。
- He decided to hire a caregiver to help with his wife's care. 他决定雇佣一个护理人员来帮助照顾妻子。
- The caregiver patiently explained the treatment plan to the patient's family. 护理人员耐心地向患者的家人解释治疗计划。
- She felt grateful for the support of the caregivers at the hospice center. 她对临终关怀中心的护理人员的支持感到感激。
- The caregiver gently helped the elderly woman walk with her walker. 护理人员温柔地帮助老太太用助行器行走。
- She decided to become a professional caregiver after caring for her grandmother. 在照顾奶奶之后,她决定成为一名专业的护理人员。
- The caregiver's role is to ensure the safety and well-being of the patient. 护理人员的角色是确保患者的安全和健康。
- He hired a caregiver to provide respite care for his wife so he could take a break. 他雇了一个护理人员为妻子提供临时照料,以便他能够休息一下。
- The caregiver assisted the patient with eating and drinking. 护理人员协助患者进食和饮水。
- The caregiver's job is to help improve the patient's quality of life. 护理人员的工作是帮助改善患者的生活质量。
- She relied on her sister to be her primary caregiver during her recovery. 她依赖她的姐姐在康复期间担任她的主要照顾者。
- The caregiver provided emotional comfort to the child after their parent's death. 护理人员在孩子父母去世后给予情感上的安慰。