takedown [ˈteɪkˌdaʊn] (复数:takedowns)
- 摔倒;击倒
- 拆卸;拆除
- 逮捕;拘捕
- 剥夺;解除
- (尤指拳击或摔跤比赛中的)击倒动作
- (网站、博客等的)关闭,撤下
takedown [ˈteɪkˌdaʊn]
- 击倒的
- 拆卸的;撤下的
takedown 和takeout 均含有“取下、拿下”的意思,但takedown 更多指的是对敌人或对手的攻击或逮捕,而takeout 则更多指的是取下或拿下物体或食物。
相关的动词:take down
相关的名词:takedown artist(擅长击倒对手的人)
takedown (noun)
- 击倒
- 拆卸
- (网站、博客等的)关闭,撤下
takedown (noun)
- 击倒
- 逮捕
- 拆卸
takedown (adjective)
- 击倒的
- 拆卸的
takedown 这个词通常用作名词,表示击倒、逮捕或拆卸等含义。作为形容词时,表示击倒的或拆卸的。
- The wrestler executed a perfect takedown and pinned his opponent to the mat. (这名摔跤选手完成了一次完美的击倒动作并将对手按到了地上。)
- The police made a takedown of the drug traffickers. (警方逮捕了毒品贩子。)
- I need your help with the takedown of the old furniture. (我需要你帮忙拆掉旧家具。)
- The takedown of the website was due to a violation of the terms of service. (该网站被关闭是因为违反了服务条款。)
- The takedown artist swiftly defeated his opponent in the match. (这位击倒高手迅速击败了他在比赛中的对手。)
- The takedown of the criminal organization was a major success for law enforcement. (对这个犯罪组织的剿灭是执法机构的一次重大成功。)
- They are planning a takedown operation to apprehend the suspect. (他们计划进行一次拘捕行动来逮捕嫌疑人。)
- The takedown of the old building was completed in just a few days. (这座旧建筑的拆除工作在几天内完成了。)
- He used a takedown technique to bring down his opponent in the fight. (他使用了一种击倒技巧将对手摔倒在地。)
- The takedown of the website resulted in a loss of online revenue for the company. (该网站的关闭导致了公司在线收入的损失。)
- They are working on a takedown strategy for the rival company. (他们正在制定对手公司的击败策略。)
- The takedown of the criminal was a joint operation between the local and federal authorities. (对这名罪犯的逮捕是地方和联邦当局的联合行动。)
- He executed a flawless takedown and won the match. (他完成了一次无懈可击的击倒动作并赢得了比赛。)
- The takedown of the old bridge is scheduled to begin next week. (拆除这座旧桥的工作计划于下周开始。)
- The takedown of the blog was met with strong opposition from its readers. (该博客的撤下遭到了读者的强烈反对。)
- He used a takedown move to bring his opponent to the ground. (他用一种击倒动作将对手摔倒在地。)
- The takedown of the criminal gang was a major victory for law enforcement. (对犯罪团伙的剿灭是执法部门的一次重大胜利。)
- They are planning a takedown operation to dismantle the illegal drug operation. (他们计划进行一次剿灭行动来拆除非法贩毒活动。)
- The takedown of the website was a result of a court order. (该网站的关闭是法院的命令结果。)
- The fighter used a takedown technique to bring his opponent to the ground. (这名选手使用了一种击倒技巧将对手摔倒在地。)
- The takedown of the dictator marked the end of his regime. (这位独裁者的被推翻标志着他的政权结束了。)