union (adj.)
2. 联合的;合并的
united (adj.)
1. 工会
trade union (n.)
2. 联盟;联合
alliance (n.)
3. 结合;合并
merger (n.)
1. union 和 alliance 均有“联合”之意,但 union 更常用于指劳工组织,而 alliance 则更广泛,可用于各种组织或国家之间的联合。
2. trade union 是一个专指的名词,指代工会。
3. merger 指企业或组织之间的合并,强调合并后形成一个新的整体。
1. labor union (美) / labour union (英) - 工会
2. student union - 学生会
3. trade unionist - 工会会员
4. unionization - 工会组织;工会化
5. unionize - (使)加入工会
- association - 协会
- syndicate - 工会
- guild - 行会
- disunion - 分裂;不和
- division - 分离;分割
- separation - 分离;分开
1. A union is a workers' organization which represents its members and which aims to improve things such as their working conditions and pay. (工会)
2. The Union is the United States, used especially in historical contexts. (美国,尤指历史背景下)
3. A union is a group of organizations or countries that have joined together in order to further their common interests. (联盟)
1. An organized association of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests. (工会)
2. A political unit consisting of a number of states or provinces with the same central government. (联邦)
3. The action or fact of joining or being joined, especially in a political context. (结合)
1. The workers decided to form a union to negotiate better working conditions.(工人们决定组成工会以争取更好的工作条件。)
2. The two companies announced a merger to create a stronger market presence.(这两家公司宣布合并,以建立更强大的市场竞争力。)
3. The student union organized a protest against the tuition fee increase.(学生会组织了一次反对学费上涨的抗议活动。)
- The union represents the interests of the workers in the negotiations.(工会代表工人的利益进行谈判。)
- The alliance between the two countries has strengthened their position in the global market.(这两个国家之间的联盟在全球市场上增强了它们的地位。)
- The trade union fought for better wages and working conditions for its members.(工会为其会员争取更好的工资和工作条件。)
- After the merger, the company became the largest in the industry.(合并后,该公司成为了该行业中最大的公司。)
- She is an active member of the student union and participates in various events.(她是学生会的积极成员,参与各种活动。)
- The labor union organized a strike to demand fair treatment for its members.(工会组织了一次罢工,要求对其会员进行公正对待。)
- The guilds in the Middle Ages played an important role in regulating trade.(中世纪的行会在调节贸易中起着重要作用。)
- They formed an association to promote cultural exchange between the two countries.(他们组建了一个协会,促进两国之间的文化交流。)
- The division within the union weakened their bargaining power.(工会内部的分裂削弱了他们的议价能力。)
- The separation of the two companies was due to irreconcilable differences in their business strategies.(这两家公司的分离是由于他们在业务战略上的无法调和的分歧。)
- He is a trade unionist and has been fighting for workers' rights for many years.(他是一个工会会员,多年来一直为工人的权益而斗争。)
- The unionization of the company led to improved working conditions for the employees.(公司的工会组织化使员工的工作条件得到了改善。)
- The labor union decided to unionize the employees of the company.(工会决定将该公司的员工组织成工会。)
- There was disunion within the group as they couldn't agree on a common goal.(由于无法就共同目标达成一致意见,该团体内部出现了分裂。)
- The project required the division of labor among the team members.(该项目需要团队成员之间的分工。)
- The alliance between the two political parties helped them win the election.(这两个政党之间的联盟帮助他们赢得了选举。)
- The union of the two companies created a stronger competitor in the market.(这两家公司的合并在市场上创造了一个更强大的竞争对手。)
- After the separation from the federation, the country became an independent state.(从联邦中分离后,该国成为了一个独立的国家。)
- The union of these two chemicals produces a highly reactive compound.(这两种化学物质的结合产生了一种高度活泼的化合物。)
- The student union organized a series of events for the campus community.(学生会为校园社区组织了一系列的活动。)
- The union between the two countries was strengthened through a trade agreement.(这两个国家之间的联盟通过贸易协议得到了加强。)