augural /ˈɔːɡjərəl/: 1. 预言的,预兆的,占卜的 2. 吉兆的,吉利的名词(Noun)
augur /ˈɔːɡər/: 1. 占卜师,预言家 2. 预兆,征兆 3. 先兆,预示词语辨析
1. augur 和 prophet 的区别:augur 更偏向于解释吉凶预兆,而 prophet 更偏向于解释神圣的启示。 2. augur 和 omen 的区别:augur 通常指占卜师或预兆,而 omen 侧重于特定事件或情况所代表的预兆。词汇扩充
1. augury /ˈɔːɡjəri/:预兆,占卜 2. augural /ˈɔːɡjərəl/:预兆的,占卜的 3. augurate /ˈɔːɡjʊreɪt/:预示,预兆近义词
1. foretell /fɔːrˈtel/:预言,预测 2. predict /prɪˈdɪkt/:预测,预言 3. prophesy /ˈprɑːfɪsaɪ/:预言,预示反义词
1. disprove /dɪsˈpruːv/:证明...错误,反驳 2. refute /rɪˈfjuːt/:驳斥,反驳柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
augur: 1. A person who predicts future events by or as if by supernatural means. 2. A person who is oracular or wise, especially one who is venerated as a diviner.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
augur: 1. (in ancient Rome) a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behavior of birds, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action. 2. A soothsayer or prophet.用法
1. The ancient Romans believed that the flight of birds could augur the outcome of battles. (古罗马人相信鸟儿的飞行能预示战斗的结果。) 2. The falling of a shooting star in some cultures is seen as an augur of good luck. (在一些文化中,流星从天而降被视为好运的预兆。)例句
- In ancient Rome, an augur was responsible for interpreting natural signs, such as the flight of birds, as messages from the gods. (在古罗马,占卜师负责将自然征兆,如鸟类的飞行,解读为神的信息。)
- The augural ceremony was conducted to seek divine approval before important decisions were made. (重要决策前进行了占卜仪式以获得神的认可。)
- Her predictions and augural skills were highly regarded by the community. (她的预测和占卜技巧受到社区的高度评价。)
- The augur read the signs in the sky and warned the villagers of an impending storm. (占卜师观察天空的征兆,并警告村民即将来临的暴风雨。)
- His arrival at this time may augur well for our future success. (他此时的到来可能为我们未来的成功带来好兆头。)
- The sudden drop in the stock market augurs a period of economic uncertainty. (股市的突然下跌预示着一个经济不确定的时期。)
- The dark clouds augur a storm. (黑云预示着暴风雨的来临。)
- The howling of the wolves was considered an augur of death in the village. (狼的嚎叫被认为是村庄中死亡的预兆。)
- His success as a businessman augurs well for the future of the company. (他作为一个商人的成功为公司的未来带来了好兆头。)
- The augural rituals were performed to ensure a prosperous harvest. (占卜仪式被进行以确保丰收。)
- The augur's predictions were often vague and open to interpretation. (占卜师的预言通常含糊不清,可以有不同的解释。)
- She has an uncanny ability to augur future events. (她有一种神奇的能力,能预测未来的事件。)
- According to the augury, this year will bring great fortune and prosperity. (根据占卜,今年将带来巨大的财富和繁荣。)
- The augur's prediction turned out to be accurate. (占卜师的预测事后被证实是准确的。)
- He consulted an augur before making a major life decision. (在做出重大人生决策之前,他咨询了一个占卜师。)
- The ancient Egyptians believed that the Nile flooding was an augur of fertility and abundance. (古埃及人相信尼罗河的洪水是丰饶和丰盛的预兆。)
- The augur warned of a looming disaster if their plans were not changed. (占卜师警告说,如果他们不改变计划,灾难将会来临。)
- The augural rites were performed to gain favor from the gods. (为了获得神的青睐,进行了占卜仪式。)
- The augury of a rainbow after the storm brought hope to the stranded sailors. (暴风雨过后出现的彩虹预示着被困的水手们带来了希望。)
- His success in the competition augured well for his future career prospects. (他在比赛中的成功为他未来的职业前景带来了好兆头。)
- The augur interpreted the flight pattern of the birds as a sign of victory. (占卜师将鸟类的飞行模式解读为胜利的征兆。)