形容词: 1. 跟踪的;暗中监视的 2. 侵扰的;令人不安的 名词: 1. 跟踪;监视 2. 骚扰;侵扰词语辨析:
stalking 和 tracking 都表示追踪的意思,但stalking 带有负面的侵犯、骚扰的含义,而 tracking 更强调跟踪的过程和方法。词汇扩充:
1. cyberstalking:网络跟踪 2. phone stalking:电话跟踪 3. celebrity stalking:明星跟踪近义词:
1. following 2. pursuing 3. shadowing反义词:
1. protecting 2. safeguarding柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)对 "stalking" 的定义:
名词: 1. 骚扰;侵扰 2. 跟踪;监视 形容词: 1. 骚扰的;侵扰的 2. 跟踪的;暗中监视的牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)对 "stalking" 的定义:
名词: 1. 骚扰;侵扰 2. 跟踪;监视 形容词: 1. 跟踪的;暗中监视的 2. 骚扰的;侵扰的用法:
1. He was arrested for stalking his ex-girlfriend. (他因为跟踪前女友而被逮捕。) 2. The actress obtained a restraining order against the man who had been stalking her. (那位女演员获得了对一直骚扰她的男子的限制令。) 3. She noticed a stalking figure in the distance. (她注意到远处有个跟踪的人影。) 4. The detective was skilled in stalking suspects without being detected. (这位侦探擅长在不被察觉的情况下跟踪嫌疑人。)例句:
- He was accused of stalking his ex-girlfriend and was arrested.(他被指控跟踪前女友并被逮捕。)
- The victim lived in constant fear due to the stalking behavior of the perpetrator.(受害者因施暴者的跟踪行为而生活在持续的恐惧中。)
- The police issued a warning to the person who had been stalking the celebrity.(警方对一直跟踪这位名人的人发出了警告。)
- She felt a sense of relief after obtaining a restraining order against her stalker.(获得对她的跟踪者的限制令后,她感到了一种解脱感。)
- The stalking behavior of the suspect was captured on surveillance cameras.(嫌疑人的跟踪行为被监控摄像头拍摄到了。)
- They were concerned about their safety due to the persistent stalking by an unknown individual.(由于一名陌生人的持续跟踪,他们担心自己的安全。)
- The stalking incident was reported to the authorities, who took immediate action.(跟踪事件被报告给了当局,他们立即采取了行动。)
- The actress had to change her phone number to avoid stalking calls.(为了避免遭到骚扰电话,那位女演员不得不更换电话号码。)
- He was charged with stalking and invasion of privacy.(他被指控跟踪和侵犯隐私。)
- The victim installed security cameras around her house to deter the stalker.(受害者在她的房子周围安装了安全摄像头以阻止那个跟踪者。)
- The stalking incidents were documented and presented as evidence in court.(跟踪事件被记录下来并作为证据在法庭上呈现。)
- She felt paranoid and constantly looked over her shoulder due to the stalking she had experienced.(由于她经历的跟踪,她感到妄想症,并时刻警惕四周。)
- The police offered advice on how to protect oneself from stalking and harassment.(警方提供了如何保护自己免受跟踪和骚扰的建议。)
- A stalking investigation was launched to gather evidence against the suspect.(对嫌疑人展开了一项跟踪调查以收集证据。)
- The victim sought legal help to obtain a restraining order against her stalker.(受害者寻求法律帮助以获得对她的跟踪者的限制令。)
- The stalking behavior escalated, causing the victim to fear for her life.(跟踪行为升级,使受害者担心自己的生命安全。)
- He was convicted of stalking and sentenced to three years in prison.(他因跟踪罪被判有罪并被判三年监禁。)
- The victim reported the stalking incident to the police, who took immediate action.(受害者向警方报告了跟踪事件,警方立即采取了行动。)
- The stalking charges against the accused were dropped due to lack of evidence.(由于证据不足,对被告的跟踪指控被撤销了。)
- She lived in fear of being stalked by her ex-husband.(她生活在害怕被前夫跟踪的恐惧中。)
- The stalking behavior violated the personal space and privacy of the victim.(跟踪行为侵犯了受害者的个人空间和隐私。)