recitals (名词复数) : 用于描述演奏或朗诵的。
recitals (名词复数) : 演奏会或朗诵会。
recital (名词单数) : 演奏会或朗诵会。
recital (名词单数) : 详述或陈述。
recitals 和 recital 都可以指演奏或朗诵的活动,不同之处在于前者是复数形式,后者是单数形式。
recitalist (名词) : 演奏或朗诵者。
performance, concert, presentation, show
silence, quiet, hush
recital (名词) : A recital is a performance of music or poetry, usually given by one person.
例句: She gave a piano recital in London.
recital (名词) : A performance of music or poetry, usually given by one person.
例句: He is scheduled to give a recital at the local theater.
1. I attended a piano recital by a talented young musician. (我参加了一个天才年轻音乐家的钢琴演奏会。)
2. The students prepared for their dance recitals for months. (学生们为他们的舞蹈演出准备了几个月。)
3. She gave an impressive recital of Shakespearean sonnets. (她对莎士比亚十四行诗进行了一场给人深刻印象的朗诵。)
4. The recitals at the music festival showcased a variety of classical compositions. (音乐节的演奏会展示了多种古典作品。)
5. His recital of the facts was clear and concise. (他对事实的陈述清晰而简明。)
6. The violinist gave a breathtaking recital that left the audience in awe. (小提琴手进行了一场令人叹为观止的演奏会,让观众惊叹不已。)
7. The recitalist captivated the audience with her enchanting voice. (演奏者用她迷人的声音吸引了观众。)
8. The children were nervous before their ballet recital. (孩子们在芭蕾舞演出前很紧张。)
9. I attended the annual poetry recital at the local library. (我参加了当地图书馆的年度诗歌朗诵会。)
- I attended a piano recital by a talented young musician. (我参加了一个天才年轻音乐家的钢琴演奏会。)
- The students prepared for their dance recitals for months. (学生们为他们的舞蹈演出准备了几个月。)
- She gave an impressive recital of Shakespearean sonnets. (她对莎士比亚十四行诗进行了一场给人深刻印象的朗诵。)
- The recitals at the music festival showcased a variety of classical compositions. (音乐节的演奏会展示了多种古典作品。)
- His recital of the facts was clear and concise. (他对事实的陈述清晰而简明。)
- The violinist gave a breathtaking recital that left the audience in awe. (小提琴手进行了一场令人叹为观止的演奏会,让观众惊叹不已。)
- The recitalist captivated the audience with her enchanting voice. (演奏者用她迷人的声音吸引了观众。)
- The children were nervous before their ballet recital. (孩子们在芭蕾舞演出前很紧张。)
- I attended the annual poetry recital at the local library. (我参加了当地图书馆的年度诗歌朗诵会。)
- She performed a stunning piano recital at the prestigious concert hall. (她在著名音乐厅进行了一场惊艳的钢琴演奏会。)
- The recitals by the renowned pianist received rave reviews from critics. (那位著名钢琴家的演奏会受到评论家的一致好评。)
- He will be giving a recital of Beethoven's sonatas next week. (下周他将进行一场贝多芬奏鸣曲的演奏会。)
- She practiced diligently for months leading up to her dance recital. (她在舞蹈演出前几个月里勤奋练习。)
- The recital hall was filled with eager audience members awaiting the performance. (演奏厅里坐满了迫不及待等待演出的观众。)
- The poetry recital featured both established and up-and-coming poets. (诗歌朗诵会上展示了既有名气的诗人,也有新晋的诗人。)
- He stumbled a few times during the recital, but managed to recover gracefully. (他在演奏会上有几次失误,但还是优雅地恢复了过来。)
- The school organized a recital to showcase the talent of its music students. (学校组织了一场演奏会,展示其音乐学生的才华。)
- She received a standing ovation after her powerful recital of the operatic aria. (她在演唱了那首歌剧咏叹调之后得到了全场起立鼓掌。)
- The recital was a great success, attracting a large audience from all around the city. (演奏会取得了巨大成功,吸引了来自全城的大量观众。)
- The young pianist's recital demonstrated a remarkable level of skill and maturity. (年轻钢琴家的演奏会展示了卓越的技巧和成熟度。)
- She decided to pursue a career as a recitalist and performed in various cities around the world. (她决定成为一名演奏家,并在世界各地的不同城市演出。)