1. reprieve
- The reprieve was only temporary, and he would soon have to face the consequences of his actions. (这次缓刑只是暂时的,他很快就要面对自己行为的后果。)
- The prisoner felt a sense of reprieve when his execution was postponed. (当囚犯的执行被推迟时,他感到一丝解脱。)
1. reprieve
- The judge granted him a reprieve, giving him more time to prepare his defense. (法官给予他缓刑,给他更多准备辩护的时间。)
- The company's financial reprieve allowed them to stay afloat for a few more months. (公司的财务缓刑让他们维持了几个月的生存。)
verb: reprieve
noun: reprieval, reprievement
adjective: reprieved
adverb: reprievedly
respite, amnesty, grace, remission
conviction, sentence, penalty, punishment
reprieve (noun)
词义:If someone who has been sentenced in a court of law is reprieved, their punishment is officially delayed or cancelled.
- The execution was reprieved at the last minute. (执行死刑在最后一刻被暂缓。)
- The condemned man was reprieved just hours before he was due to be hanged. (即将被绞刑的死囚在几小时前获得了缓刑。)
reprieve (noun)
词义:The cancellation or postponement of a punishment.
- He was sentenced to death but received a last-minute reprieve. (他被判处死刑,但在最后一刻得到了缓刑。)
- The prisoner's reprieve brought hope to his family. (囚犯的缓刑给他的家人带来了希望。)
1. reprieve as a verb:
- The governor reprieved the prisoner just hours before the scheduled execution. (州长在预定执行时间前几个小时给囚犯缓刑。)
- The court decided to reprieve the defendant pending further investigation. (法庭决定在进一步调查前给被告人缓刑。)
2. reprieve as a noun:
- The reprieve granted him a temporary relief from his prison sentence. (缓刑使他暂时解脱了监禁。)
- She hoped for a reprieve from the judge, as she believed in her innocence. (她希望法官能给予她缓刑,因为她相信自己的清白。)
- He received a last-minute reprieve from the governor. (他在最后一刻获得了州长的缓刑。)
- The prisoner's reprieve was met with relief from his family. (囚犯的缓刑让他的家人松了口气。)
- The judge decided to reprieve the defendant pending further evidence. (法官决定在进一步证据出现前给被告人缓刑。)
- The reprieve gave him a chance to prove his innocence. (缓刑给了他证明自己清白的机会。)
- After years of waiting, the reprieve finally came. (经过多年的等待,终于来了缓刑。)
- The reprieved prisoner was grateful for the second chance. (获得缓刑的囚犯对第二次机会感激不尽。)
- Her reprieve was short-lived as she was soon arrested again. (她的缓刑是短暂的,因为她很快又被逮捕了。)
- The reprieve allowed him to spend a few more months with his family. (缓刑让他能够和家人多度几个月的时光。)
- The reprieve was seen as a victory for the defense team. (缓刑被视为辩护团队的胜利。)
- Despite the reprieve, he couldn't escape the guilt he felt. (尽管获得了缓刑,他无法摆脱内心的罪恶感。)
- She hoped for a reprieve, but deep down she knew the verdict would be guilty. (她希望能获得缓刑,但内心深处她知道定罪是不可避免的。)
- The reprieve gave him a chance to make amends for his past mistakes. (缓刑给了他弥补过去错误的机会。)
- Many prisoners on death row are hoping for a last-minute reprieve. (许多死刑囚犯都希望在最后一刻获得缓刑。)
- The reprieve was a welcome surprise for the defendant and his lawyer. (缓刑对被告人和他的律师来说是个受欢迎的意外。)
- She could hardly believe the reprieve she received after years of uncertainty. (多年的不确定后,她几乎无法相信自己获得了缓刑。)
- The reprieve allowed him to reflect on his actions and seek redemption. (缓刑让他得以反思自己的行为并寻求救赎。)
- Life on death row is filled with uncertainty and hope for a reprieve. (在死囚牢房里,充满了不确定性和对缓刑的希望。)
- The reprieved prisoner vowed to turn his life around and make the most of his second chance. (获得缓刑的囚犯发誓要改过自新,充分利用第二次机会。)
- She waited anxiously for news of a possible reprieve. (她焦急地等待着有可能获得缓刑的消息。)
- The reprieve brought a glimmer of hope to the desperate prisoner. (缓刑给绝望的囚犯带来了一丝希望。)