形容词 1. derisive: 嘲笑的,嘲弄的 - He gave a derisive laugh at her suggestion. 他对她的建议嗤之以鼻地笑了起来。 名词 1. ridicule: 嘲笑,讥笑 - The comedian's jokes were met with derision from the audience. 这位喜剧演员的笑话遭到了观众们的嘲笑。 2. mockery: 嘲弄,戏弄 - The disabled boy was subjected to derision by his classmates. 这个残疾男孩受到了同学们的嘲弄。 3. scorn: 嘲笑,轻蔑 - The wealthy man treated the poor with derision and scorn. 这个富有的人对待穷人时嘲笑和轻蔑。词语辨析
- derisive, mocking, scornful, contemptuous, sneering 1. derisive: 嘲笑的,嘲弄的,表示不屑或不尊重 - He gave her a derisive look. 他用嘲笑的眼神看着她。 2. mocking: 嘲笑的,讥笑的,表示嘲弄或愚弄 - The children were making mocking gestures towards the teacher. 孩子们对老师做出嘲讽的手势。 3. scornful: 轻蔑的,鄙视的,表示蔑视或轻视 - She gave him a scornful laugh before walking away. 她冷笑一声然后走开了。 4. contemptuous: 轻蔑的,鄙视的,表示瞧不起或看不起 - He looked at her with a contemptuous expression. 他用轻蔑的表情看着她。 5. sneering: 嘲笑的,冷笑的,表示嘲弄或讥讽 - He made a sneering comment about her appearance. 他对她的外貌做出了嘲讽的评论。词汇扩充
- mock: 嘲笑,嘲弄 - ridicule: 嘲笑,奚落 - taunt: 嘲弄,讥讽 - scoff: 嘲笑,嘲弄 - jeer: 嘲笑,戏弄近义词
- mockery - ridicule - scoffing - scorn反义词
- praise: 赞扬,赞美 - admiration: 钦佩,赞赏柯林斯词典
derision 1. the act of deriding or treating with contempt - The derision in his voice was obvious. 他的声音中充满了嘲笑。 2. an object of derision - His outdated fashion sense became a derision among his peers. 他过时的时尚感成为了同辈人的嘲笑对象。牛津词典
derision 1. contemptuous ridicule or mockery - The proposal was met with derision from the other team members. 提议遭到了其他团队成员的嘲笑。 2. an object of ridicule or scorn - His failed attempt became a derision among his colleagues. 他的失败尝试成为了同事们的嘲笑对象。用法
- The politician's controversial statement was met with derision from the public. 这位政治家的有争议的言论遭到了公众的嘲笑。 - She couldn't bear the derision of her classmates anymore and decided to change schools. 她再也无法忍受同学们的嘲笑,于是决定转学。例句
- The crowd burst into derisive laughter at his clumsy dance. (人群对他笨拙的舞蹈爆发出嘲笑的笑声。)
- His derisive comments about her appearance hurt her feelings. (他对她的外貌做出的嘲笑评论伤害了她的感情。)
- She responded to his derision with a witty comeback. (她以机智的回应回应了他的嘲笑。)
- The derisive tone in his voice made it clear that he was mocking her. (他声音中的嘲笑语气表明他在嘲笑她。)
- The derision from her peers made her lose confidence in her abilities. (来自同辈的嘲笑让她对自己的能力失去了信心。)
- He couldn't stand the derisive looks from the audience and quickly left the stage. (他无法忍受观众的嘲笑眼神,迅速离开了舞台。)
- The derision aimed at him was unjustified and hurtful. (针对他的嘲笑是不公正且伤人的。)
- Her derisive attitude towards others often made people feel belittled. (她对他人的嘲笑态度常常让人感到被轻视。)
- He tried to hide his hurt feelings behind derisive laughter. (他试图在嘲笑声背后隐藏自己的受伤情绪。)
- The derision he faced from his own family was the hardest to bear. (来自他自己家人的嘲笑是最难以承受的。)
- She couldn't help but feel a sense of derision towards his silly behavior. (她禁不住对他愚蠢的行为产生了嘲笑感。)
- His derisive remarks about her intelligence only showed his own insecurity. (他对她智力的嘲笑言论只能显示出他自己的不安全感。)
- The derision in their eyes made her question her own worth. (他们眼中的嘲笑让她怀疑自己的价值。)
- The derision she faced at work made her consider quitting her job. (她在工作中面临的嘲笑让她考虑辞职。)
- He couldn't help but respond to their derision with anger. (他禁不住用愤怒回应他们的嘲笑。)
- She used humor as a defense mechanism against derision. (她把幽默作为对抗嘲笑的防御机制。)
- The derision she received from her boss was completely unwarranted. (她从老板那里受到的嘲笑完全是没有根据的。)
- His derisive attitude towards her achievements only showed his own jealousy. (他对她成就的嘲笑态度只能显示出他自己的嫉妒心。)
- The derision he faced from his classmates made him doubt his own abilities. (来自同学的嘲笑让他对自己的能力产生了怀疑。)
- She couldn't stand the derision anymore and decided to confront her bullies. (她再也无法忍受嘲笑,决定面对她的恶霸们。)
- He used his sense of humor to deflect the derision aimed at him. (他利用自己的幽默感来转移针对他的嘲笑。)