- 空气中的;通风的
- 播放的;播出的
- 公开的;公然的
- 空气
- 播放;广播
形容词"aired"可以用来形容空气中的、通风的情况,例如:“freshly aired room”(通风的房间)。
作为过去分词形式,"aired"也可以表示某事物已经播放或广播出来,例如:“the recently aired television show”(最近播出的电视节目)。
名词"aired"可以指空气或播放、广播的行为,例如:“a breath of fresh aired”(新鲜空气的一口)和“the live airing of the concert”(音乐会的现场直播)。
ventilated, breezy, broadcasted, aired out
stuffy, stale, unaired, unventilated
Aired (adj)
(of a room, building, etc.) having a good supply of fresh air
(of a television or radio program) broadcast
Aired (n)
the mixture of gases that forms the earth's atmosphere
the act or manner of broadcasting a television or radio program
Aired (adj)
exposed to fresh air
(of a television or radio program) broadcast
Aired (n)
the mixture of gases in the earth's atmosphere
the broadcast of a television or radio program
- The room was well-aired and smelled fresh. (房间通风良好,闻起来很新鲜。)
- The recently aired documentary shed light on the issue. (最近播出的纪录片揭示了这个问题。)
- I love the feeling of the cool, crisp mountain air. (我喜欢凉爽、清新的山间空气。)
- The live airing of the concert attracted a large audience. (音乐会的现场直播吸引了很多观众。)
- She opened the windows to let the room get some fresh air. (她打开窗户让房间通风透气。)
- The radio show will be aired at 9 PM tonight. (这个广播节目将于今晚9点播出。)
- He took a deep breath of the salty sea air. (他深吸了一口咸咸的海风。)
- The airing of their dirty laundry caused a scandal. (他们私事的曝光引发了一场丑闻。)
- After being cooped up inside all day, I decided to go for an evening walk in the fresh air. (整天都待在室内,我决定去呼吸一下晚上的新鲜空气。)
- The television network has announced the airing schedule for the new season of the show. (电视网络已经公布了该节目新一季的播出时间表。)
- I always air my clothes outside to get rid of any lingering odors. (我总是把衣服晾在外面,以去除任何残留的气味。)
- They had an argument and aired their grievances in public. (他们发生了争执,并在公开场合表达了不满。)
- The documentary will be aired simultaneously on multiple television channels. (这部纪录片将同时在多个电视频道播出。)
- She likes to sleep with the windows open to let in the fresh air. (她喜欢开着窗户睡觉,让新鲜空气进来。)
- The radio station apologized for the offensive comments made during the live airing of the show. (电台为在该节目的直播中发表的冒犯性评论道歉。)
- He decided to air his grievances with his boss and ask for a raise. (他决定向老板表达不满,并要求加薪。)
- The film will be aired next week in theaters across the country. (电影将于下周在全国各地的电影院上映。)
- Sitting outside, she enjoyed the warm sun and the fresh, aired breeze. (坐在户外,她享受着温暖的阳光和新鲜的微风。)
- The airing of the interview sparked a heated debate among the public. (该访谈的播出引发了公众间的激烈辩论。)
- The room had a stuffy smell and needed to be aired out. (房间有一股闷闷的气味,需要通风散味。)