形容词 (Adjective)
1. cased 中文翻译:有壳的;有盒子的;装有外壳的 2. cased 中文翻译:用箱子装好的 3. cased 中文翻译:为…定制的名词 (Noun)
1. cased 中文翻译:案件;外壳;盒子 2. cased 中文翻译:护套;包袋词组
1. hard-cased 中文翻译:刚硬的外壳 2. cased goods 中文翻译:成箱包装的货物词语辨析
1. cased vs encased "cased"强调装有外壳,"encased"则强调被包围或包裹。 2. cased vs covered "cased"指有外壳,"covered"指被覆盖或包裹。词汇扩充
1. cased in leather 中文翻译:用皮革包裹的 2. cased in glass 中文翻译:用玻璃包裹的近义词
1. sheathed 中文翻译:包裹的;被鞘覆盖的 2. enclosed 中文翻译:封闭的;封装的反义词
1. uncased 中文翻译:未装箱的;未包裹的 2. uncovered 中文翻译:未覆盖的;未包裹的柯林斯词典
cased ADJECTIVE 1. (有)盒子的 If something is cased, it is in a case or cover. The camera is cased in a tough, scratch-resistant material.这款相机的外壳采用了坚固、耐刮的材料。 2. (为…)定制的 If something is cased for a particular purpose, it has been designed or made for that purpose. The first watches were cased for protection.
最早的手表是为了保护而设计的。 NOUN 1. 案件;外壳;盒子 A case is a container that is used to protect or hold something. He keeps his cigarettes in a metal case.
他把香烟放在一个金属盒子里。 2. 护套;包袋 A case is a covering that is designed to protect something or to be used with something, for example, to hold it or to carry it. ...a pillow case.
cased ADJECTIVE 1. 有壳的;有盒子的;装有外壳的 Covered with or protected by a case. a cased pencil装有外壳的铅笔 2. 用箱子装好的 Put or enclose in a case. the cased radio
装在盒子里的收音机 NOUN 1. 案件;外壳;盒子 An instance of a particular situation; an example of something occurring. several well-publicized cases of poisoning
几起广为报道的中毒案例 2. 护套;包袋 A container designed to hold or protect something. a pillow case
1. cased as adjective The camera is cased in a tough, scratch-resistant material. 2. cased as verb He cased the house before attempting the robbery. 3. a case of + noun It was a clear case of mistaken identity. 4. in case of You should always carry an umbrella in case of rain. 5. make a case for She made a strong case for investing in renewable energy. 6. a case of emergency In case of emergency, dial 911.例句
- The phone is cased in a durable plastic material. (这部手机外壳是用耐用的塑料材料制成的。)
- The diamond necklace was cased in a velvet box. (这条钻石项链是用一只天鹅绒盒子装着的。)
- The watch was cased in gold for a luxurious look. (这块手表外壳用金制成,显得奢华。)
- The detectives carefully cased the bank before planning the heist. (侦探们在计划抢劫前仔细侦察了银行。)
- It was a case of mistaken identity, as the suspect had an identical twin. (这是个误认的案例,因为嫌疑犯有一个长得一模一样的孪生兄弟。)
- In case of fire, please use the emergency exits. (发生火灾时,请使用紧急出口。)
- She made a strong case for increasing the budget for education. (她充分论证了增加教育预算的理由。)
- The pillow case is made of soft cotton. (这个枕套是用柔软的棉布制成的。)
- He always carries a Swiss Army knife in case of emergencies. (他总是随身携带一把瑞士军刀,以备不时之需。)
- They presented a compelling case for stricter gun control laws. (他们提出了一份令人信服的加强枪支管制法律的理由。)
- The suspect cased the jewelry store for several days before committing the robbery. (嫌疑犯在实施抢劫前在珠宝店踩点了几天。)
- There have been several reported cases of food poisoning from the same restaurant. (同一家餐厅发生了几起食物中毒的报道案例。)
- You should keep your passport in a safe case while traveling. (旅行时应将护照放在一个安全的盒子里。)
- The lawyer built a strong case against the defendant. (律师针对被告构建了一个坚实的案子。)
- He was caught in the act and had no case for defense. (他被当场抓获,无法为自己辩护。)
- The cased goods were shipped to the distributor in bulk. (成箱包装的货物以散装形式发往分销商。)
- The camera is cased in a durable metal housing. (这款相机外壳采用耐用的金属材料。)
- She carefully cased the museum before planning the art theft. (她在计划艺术品盗窃前仔细侦察了博物馆。)
- The violin is cased in a fine leather cover. (这把小提琴用一层精美的皮套包裹着。)
- In case of a power outage, the generator will automatically start. (发生停电时,发电机将自动启动。)
- The lawyer presented a strong case for the defendant's innocence. (律师为被告的清白提出了有力的证据。)