1. 不包括的;排除在外的 【词语辨析】exclude表示“不包括;排除在外”,与include相对。exclude强调将某人或某物拒之门外,不予考虑或不计入范围。 【例句】 - The invitation excludes children. (这份邀请不包括儿童。) - Students who repeatedly disrupt classes may be excluded from school. (多次干扰课堂秩序的学生可能会被开除。) 2. 除外的;不在内的 【词语辨析】exclude表示“除外的;不在内的”,与inclusive相对。exclude强调将某人或某物排除在外,不计入范围。 【例句】 - The price listed excludes tax. (所列价格不包括税费。) - Membership is open to everyone, excluding those under 18. (会员资格对所有人开放,不包括18岁以下的人。)名词(Noun)
1. 排除;除外 【词语辨析】exclude表示“排除;除外”,指将某人或某物从范围之外剔除。 【例句】 - The policy has no exclusions for pre-existing conditions. (该政策对于既往病史没有排除条款。) - The exclusion of certain individuals from the study affected the overall results. (将某些人从研究中排除影响了整体结果。) 2. 排斥;拒绝接纳 【词语辨析】exclude表示“排斥;拒绝接纳”,指将某人或某物从某个群体或活动中拒之门外。 【例句】 - The exclusion of certain religious groups from public events is a violation of their rights. (将某些宗教团体排斥在公共活动之外是对他们权利的侵犯。) - The exclusion of women from the board of directors has sparked controversy. (将女性排除在董事会之外引发了争议。)词汇扩充(Vocabulary Expansion)
【同义词】 - omit - leave out - bar - prohibit - ban 【反义词】 - include - incorporate柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
excludes (third person singular present tense of exclude)牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
excludes (third person singular simple present indicative form of exclude)用法(Usage)
- exclude sb/sth from sth: 将某人/某物从某事物中排除 - exclude sb/sth from doing sth: 将某人/某物排除在某事物之外 - exclude sb/sth as sth: 将某人/某物排除作为某事物中英例句(Chinese-English Example Sentences)
- He was excluded from the meeting because of his disruptive behavior. (因为他的干扰行为,他被排除在会议之外。)
- She excluded him from her plans for the weekend. (她将他排除在她的周末计划之外。)
- The survey excludes participants under the age of 18. (该调查不包括18岁以下的参与者。)
- The company's policy excludes coverage for cosmetic procedures. (该公司的政策不包括美容手术的保险范围。)
- They decided to exclude him from the group due to his lack of commitment. (由于他缺乏承诺,他们决定将他排除在小组之外。)
- The school board voted to exclude cell phones from the classroom. (学校董事会投票决定将手机从教室中排除。)
- The exclusion of certain countries from the trade agreement has raised concerns. (将某些国家从贸易协议中排除出去引起了关注。)
- Her exclusion from the team was a disappointment, but she understood the reasons behind it. (她被排除在团队之外让她很失望,但她理解其中的原因。)
- The exclusion of women from the workforce was a common practice in the past. (过去将女性排除在劳动力之外是一种常见做法。)
- The policy excludes coverage for pre-existing medical conditions. (该政策不包括既往病史的保险范围。)
- They made a conscious effort to exclude any bias from their research. (他们努力在研究中排除任何偏见。)
- The exclusion of certain topics from the curriculum limits students' knowledge. (将某些主题从课程中排除限制了学生的知识。)
- The exclusion of minority groups from political representation is a concern. (将少数群体排除在政治代表之外是令人担忧的。)
- She felt the exclusion from the group deeply and decided to find a new community. (她对被排除在小组之外感到深深的失落,并决定寻找一个新的社群。)
- His exclusion as a suspect in the investigation was a relief for him. (他被排除作为调查嫌疑人对他来说是一种解脱。)
- The policy excludes certain high-risk activities from insurance coverage. (该政策将某些高风险活动排除在保险范围之外。)
- The exclusion of individuals with disabilities from public spaces is a violation of their rights. (将残疾人排除在公共场所之外是对他们权利的侵犯。)
- Children under the age of 12 are excluded from the event. (12岁以下的儿童被排除在活动之外。)
- The exclusion of certain ingredients from the recipe changed the taste of the dish. (将某些配料从食谱中排除改变了菜肴的味道。)
- Exclusion from social activities can lead to feelings of isolation. (被排除在社交活动之外会导致孤立感。)
- They decided to exclude him from the team due to his lack of skill. (由于他缺乏技能,他们决定将他排除在团队之外。)