robbed (动词)
1. to take something from someone using force or threats (通过武力或威胁从某人处夺取某物)
2. to take something without permission or illegally (未经允许或非法夺取某物)
3. to deprive someone of something valuable or desirable (剥夺某人的有价值或令人向往的东西)
He was robbed at gunpoint. (他遭到了抢劫)
His car was stolen while he was shopping. (他在购物时车被盗了)
1. robber (名词):强盗
2. robbery (名词):抢劫
3. robbery attempt (名词):抢劫企图
4. armed robbery (名词):持械抢劫
1. steal:偷窃
2. plunder:抢劫、掠夺
3. loot:抢劫、掠夺
1. give:给予
2. donate:捐赠
3. offer:提供
rob (verb)
If someone is robbed, they have money or property taken from them by force.
• I was mugged and robbed by a gang of youths. (我被一群年轻人打劫了)
• They were robbed of all their possessions. (他们被夺去了所有财产)
rob (verb)
Take property unlawfully from (a person or place) by force or threat of force.
• He was robbed of his wallet and mobile phone. (他被抢了钱包和手机)
• The bank had been robbed earlier that day. (银行在那天早些时候遭到了抢劫)
1. rob someone of something:从某人那里抢走某物
• The thief robbed her of her purse. (小偷抢走了她的钱包)
• The hurricane robbed us of electricity for days. (飓风使我们停电了几天)
2. rob somewhere:抢劫某地
• The gang robbed a bank in broad daylight. (那伙人在光天化日之下抢劫了一家银行)
• The convenience store was robbed last night. (昨晚便利店遭到了抢劫)
- He was robbed at gunpoint. 他遭到了抢劫。
- She was robbed of her purse on the way home. 她在回家的路上被抢了钱包。
- The store was robbed last night. 昨晚这家商店遭到了抢劫。
- They robbed the bank and escaped with a large amount of cash. 他们抢劫了银行,带着大量现金逃走了。
- The thief robbed her of her necklace. 小偷抢走了她的项链。
- He robbed Peter to pay Paul. 他拆东墙补西墙。
- She felt robbed of her opportunity to succeed. 她觉得自己被剥夺了成功的机会。
- The hurricane robbed the town of its electricity supply. 飓风使这个小镇停电了。
- The gang robbed the museum of its valuable artifacts. 那伙人抢劫了博物馆里的贵重文物。
- He was caught trying to rob a jewelry store. 他在企图抢劫珠宝店时被抓住了。
- The masked man robbed the passengers on the train. 戴面具的人在火车上抢劫了乘客。
- The thieves robbed the house while the occupants were away. 小偷趁住户不在时抢劫了这所房子。
- She felt robbed of her childhood innocence. 她觉得自己失去了童年的纯真。
- He was robbed of his chance to play in the final due to an injury. 由于受伤,他失去了参加决赛的机会。
- The company was robbed of its top employees by a rival firm. 这家公司的顶级员工被一家竞争对手公司挖走了。
- The museum was robbed of a priceless painting. 博物馆失去了一幅无价的画。
- They robbed him of his dignity by humiliating him in public. 他们在公开场合羞辱他,让他失去了尊严。
- The thief robbed the old lady of her pension money. 小偷抢走了老太太的养老金。
- The hurricane robbed the coastal town of its infrastructure. 飓风夺走了这个沿海城镇的基础设施。
- He was robbed of his chance to apologize when she left abruptly. 当她突然离开时,他失去了道歉的机会。
- The burglars robbed the apartment of all its valuable belongings. 大盗抢劫了公寓里的所有贵重物品。
- The scandal robbed him of his reputation and ruined his career. 这个丑闻使他声誉扫地,毁了他的事业。