shine (shines, shone, shone, shining)
shine (shines, shone, shone, shining)
1. The sun shines brightly in the sky.(太阳在天空中明亮地照耀着。)
2. Her hair is shiny and smooth.(她的头发又亮又顺滑。)
3. The moonlight shimmered on the water.(月光在水面上闪烁。)
4. The car's glossy surface reflected the sunlight.(汽车光滑的表面反射着阳光。)
1. The diamond shines brilliantly in the sunlight.(钻石在阳光下闪耀。)
2. Her eyes shone with excitement.(她的眼睛因激动而发亮。)
3. The polished silverware shimmers on the dining table.(抛光的银器在餐桌上闪烁。)
4. The shiny new car caught everyone's attention.(耀眼的新车吸引了所有人的注意。)
5. The shine of her hair made it look healthy and lustrous.(她头发的光泽让它看起来健康而有光彩。)
6. The sun's radiance illuminated the room.(阳光的辐射照亮了房间。)
7. The glow of the candles created a warm atmosphere.(蜡烛的光亮营造出了温暖的氛围。)
8. The moon shone through the window, casting a soft light on the room.(月光透过窗户,给房间投下柔和的光。)
9. The stars twinkled in the night sky.(星星在夜空中闪烁。)
10. The diamond necklace gleamed under the spotlight.(钻石项链在聚光灯下闪耀。)
11. The polished marble floor glistened in the sunlight.(抛光的大理石地板在阳光下闪闪发光。)
12. Her eyes sparkled with joy when she saw the surprise.(当她看到惊喜时,她的眼睛闪闪发光。)
13. The dew glistened on the grass in the early morning.(清晨,露水在草地上闪闪发光。)
14. The snow sparkled in the sunlight.(雪在阳光下闪闪发光。)
15. The crystal chandelier glittered in the ballroom.(水晶吊灯在舞厅里闪闪发光。)
16. The sun's rays radiated from behind the clouds.(阳光的光线从云层后辐射出来。)
17. The lighthouse's beam shone across the dark sea.(灯塔的光束照亮了黑暗的海洋。)
18. Her talent for singing shone on the stage.(她在舞台上展现出的歌唱才华出类拔萃。)
19. The student's hard work and dedication shined through in his final exam results.(这位学生在期末考试成绩中展现出的努力和奉献精神令人瞩目。)
20. The trophy shone in the display cabinet, symbolizing their victory.(奖杯在展示柜中闪耀着光芒,象征着他们的胜利。)