cram (verb) 1. If you cram things or people into a container or place, you put them into it, although there is hardly enough room for them. 2. If you cram things somewhere, you put them there so that they are very tightly packed. 3. If you cram things into a vehicle or container, you put them into it in a rough or careless way. 4. If you cram a lot of things or people into a small space, you put them into it although it is too small to contain them comfortably. 5. If you cram for an examination, you try to learn a lot of things in a very short time. 6. If you say that you are crammed into a place, you mean that there are so many people or things in it that it is completely full. 7. If you say that people cram into a place, you mean that so many of them go there that it is completely full. 8. If you cram food into your mouth or if you cram yourself with food, you eat a lot of it quickly and greedily. 9. If you cram a lot of things or people into a place, you put them into it so that it is completely full. cram (noun) 1. Cram is the activity of trying to learn a lot quickly before an examination. 2. Cram is the act of putting a lot of things or people into a small space.《牛津词典》解释:
cram (verb) 1. Completely fill a place or container to the point of overflowing. 2. Study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination. 3. Force (people or things) into a place or container that is or appears to be too small to accommodate them. 4. Eat quickly or greedily. 5. (of a large number of people) enter a space that is or appears to be too small for them. cram (noun) 1. The practice of studying intensively over a short period of time just before an examination. 2. A large number of things forced into a small space.词语辨析:
1. Cram 和stuff 都可以表示“把东西塞进某个地方”,但cram 更强调“紧塞、挤满”的意思,而stuff 则更常用于随意塞入的动作。
2. Cram 也可以表示用功学习,而study 则更常用于正常的学习行为。
1. crammed (形容词): 紧塞的,挤满的。
2. cramming (名词): 临时突击学习。
3. crammer (名词): 临时突击学习者。