- 1. 小包,小袋
- Please pass me the packet of sugar.
- 请把那个小袋糖递给我。 - 2. (封装的)一组数据
- The server received a packet of data from the client.
- 服务器接收到客户端发送的一组数据。 - 3. (英国)一小盒(香烟)
- He bought a packet of cigarettes at the convenience store.
- 他在便利店买了一小盒香烟。
- bag
- sack
- parcel
- envelope
packets noun
1. a small packet, such as a packet of biscuits or a packet of cigarettes, is a small flat paper or cardboard container in which a small quantity of something is sold.
2. a packet of something is a quantity of it that is sold in a packet.
3. a packet of information is a set of computer data that is sent over a network.
packets noun
1. a small packet, typically that in which goods are packed or wrapped.
2. a set of data that is sent over a network, typically as a series of small pieces.
- Packet可以用作名词,表示小包、一组数据等。
- Packet常用于计算机和网络领域。
- Packet的意义在不同语境中有所区别,需要根据具体情况理解。
- I need to buy a packet of envelopes for the office.
我需要为办公室买一小包信封。 - She always carries a packet of tissues in her bag.
她的包里总是带着一小包纸巾。 - The data is sent in packets over the network.
数据通过网络以数据包的形式发送。 - He ordered a packet of chips with his burger.
他点了一个汉堡包带一小包薯条。 - The packet of seeds contains instructions on how to plant them.
种子的包装袋上附有种植说明。 - Each packet of the product contains 20 tablets.
该产品的每小包包含20片药片。 - She bought a packet of cigarettes for her friend.
她为她的朋友买了一小盒香烟。 - He received a packet of documents from the courier.
他从快递员那里收到一小包文件。 - I need to download the packet of software to install it on my computer.
我需要下载软件的一组数据才能在电脑上安装。 - The child opened the packet of candy with excitement.
孩子兴奋地打开了一小包糖果。 - We received a packet of information about the upcoming event.
我们收到了有关即将到来的活动的一组信息。 - She tore open the packet of chips and started eating.
她撕开了薯片的包装袋开始吃。 - The network protocol divides the data into small packets.
网络协议将数据分成小的数据包。 - He brought a packet of biscuits to share with his colleagues.
他带来了一小包饼干与同事们分享。 - They sent a packet of samples to the potential customers.
他们向潜在客户发送了一组样品。 - She received a packet of letters from her pen pals around the world.
她收到了来自世界各地笔友的一组信件。 - After entering the correct password, the server decrypted the packet of data.
输入正确密码后,服务器解密了一组数据包。 - The company ships their products in small packets for convenience.
该公司以便利起见将产品以小包装发货。 - He bought a packet of cigarettes at the convenience store.
他在便利店买了一小盒香烟。 - Please pass me the packet of sugar.
请把那个小袋糖递给我。 - The server received a packet of data from the client.