1. presumed [形容词]中文:被推定的,被认为的
英文:presumed, assumed, supposed
1. presumption [名词]中文:推测,假设
英文:presumption, assumption, supposition
1. presumed和assumed都指根据某种假设或推测而得出的结论,但presumed更强调基于更充分的证据或推理;
2. presumed和supposed都可表示根据相对较薄弱的证据或假设而推测出来的结果。
1. presumed [adj.] - If you say that something is presumed to be true or to have a particular quality, you mean that people believe it is true or have that quality, although they cannot be sure. [来源:柯林斯英汉双解大词典]
2. presumption [n.] - If you make a presumption about something, you suppose that it is true, although you do not have actual proof of it. [来源:柯林斯英汉双解大词典]
1. presumed [adj.] - Supposed to be true, without proof. [来源:牛津高阶英汉双解词典]
2. presumption [n.] - An idea that is believed to be true or valid without definite proof. [来源:牛津高阶英汉双解词典]
1. "presumed"作为形容词,修饰名词时,表示根据某种假设或推测而得出的结论。
2. "presumption"作为名词,表示推测或假设的观点。
- The presumed cause of the fire was a faulty electrical system.(那场火灾被推测是由电路系统故障引起的。)
- He is presumed innocent until proven guilty.(在证明有罪之前,他被视为无罪。)
- It is presumed that she will accept the job offer.(大家认为她会接受这个工作机会。)
- The presumed winner of the competition has yet to be announced.(比赛的预计获胜者尚未公布。)
- Her sudden disappearance gave rise to a presumption of foul play.(她突然消失引发了犯罪嫌疑的推测。)
- He did not have any evidence, only a presumption.(他没有任何证据,只有一种推测。)
- The police acted on the presumption that the suspect was guilty.(警方根据嫌疑人有罪的假设行动。)
- She challenged the presumption that success is only measured by wealth.(她质疑成功只能用财富来衡量的观点。)
- Presumed dead after the accident, he miraculously survived.(在事故后被认为已经死亡,他却奇迹般地活了下来。)
- The presumed heir to the throne is a subject of much speculation.(那位被认为是王位继承人的人成为了众多猜测的对象。)
- The presumed cause of the disease has not yet been identified.(该疾病的预计原因尚未确定。)
- The presumption that all politicians are corrupt is unfair.(认为所有政治家都是腐败的假设是不公平的。)
- She challenged the presumption that women are less capable than men.(她质疑了女性比男性能力差的假设。)
- There is a presumption of innocence until proven guilty.(在证明有罪之前,有无罪的推定。)
- His actions were based on the presumption that he was always right.(他的行动是基于他总是正确的假设。)
- Presumptions can often lead to misunderstandings.(推测往往会导致误解。)
- The court rejected the presumption of the defendant's guilt.(法庭驳回了被告有罪的推定。)
- Her arrogance and presumptuousness made her unpopular.(她的傲慢和放肆使她不受欢迎。)
- He presumptuously assumed that he would be promoted.(他放肆地认为自己会被提升。)
- She was presumed to be the author of the anonymous letter.(人们认为她是那封匿名信的作者。)