1. corrected 意为“被纠正的”,指已经被修正或改正的事物。 2. corrected 在光学或视力方面,指通过戴眼镜、角膜矫正手术等方式使视力恢复正常的。词语辨析
corrected与修正、改正的区别: - corrected是过去分词形式,强调动作已经完成; - 修正(modify)是指对错误或不完善的事物进行改进; - 改正(rectify)是指对错误或缺陷进行纠正,使其恢复到正确的状态。词汇扩充
corrected的名词形式: - correction 意为“纠正,修改”; - corrector 意为“纠错者,修正者”。近义词
- adjusted:调整的,校正的 - rectified:纠正的,改正的 - amended:修正的,修改的反义词
- uncorrected:未纠正的,未改正的柯林斯词典
corrected (adj.)
- If something such as an examination, a piece of work, or some information is corrected, it is checked and mistakes are corrected. - If you say that someone has a corrected vision or corrected eyesight, you mean that they have had an operation or have started to wear glasses so that they can see clearly.用法
corrected作为形容词的用法: - a corrected manuscript(已修改过的手稿) - a corrected version of the document(文件的修订版) - a corrected copy of the book(书的校对本)牛津词典
corrected (adj.)
- Marked or altered so as to be more accurate or to conform to a standard.用法
corrected作为形容词的用法: - a corrected exam paper(已改正的考卷) - a corrected proof(已校对的样张) - a corrected edition(修订版)例句
- The teacher handed back the corrected exams to the students.(老师把改正过的考试卷分发给学生。)
- She wore her corrected glasses and could finally read the small print.(她戴上了矫正后的眼镜,终于能够读小字了。)
- After making the necessary corrections, the report was considered corrected.(在进行必要的修正后,该报告被认为是已经改正的。)
- He submitted the corrected manuscript to the publishing company.(他把已经修改过的手稿提交给了出版公司。)
- The corrected version of the article contained fewer errors.(这篇文章的修订版本错误较少。)
- They sent me a corrected copy of the contract to review.(他们给我寄来了一份已经修改过的合同副本供我审阅。)
- The corrected proof of the book arrived from the printer.(已经校对过的书的样张从印刷商那里送来了。)
- She had a corrected vision after undergoing laser eye surgery.(她进行激光眼科手术后,视力得到了矫正。)
- The corrected edition of the dictionary included additional entries.(该词典的修订版包含了额外的词条。)
- He used a corrected map to navigate through the unfamiliar city.(他使用一张已经校正过的地图在陌生的城市中导航。)
- It is important to review and make the necessary corrections to the corrected document.(审查并对已经改正的文件进行必要的修正是很重要的。)
- She was relieved to receive the corrected exam paper and see her improved score.(她松了一口气,拿到了已改正的考卷,看到了自己提高的分数。)
- He had his corrected eyesight tested at the optometrist's office.(他在验光师办公室测试了他矫正后的视力。)
- The corrected version of the software fixed several bugs and improved performance.(软件的修订版本修复了几个漏洞并提高了性能。)
- The corrected spelling of the word was written in parentheses.(单词的正确拼写用括号圈出。)
- She received a corrected copy of her essay with helpful comments from the teacher.(她收到了一份带有老师有用评论的已改正的文章副本。)
- They issued a corrected statement to address the errors in the previous version.(他们发布了一份修正声明,以纠正之前版本中的错误。)
- After the corrected translation, the document was ready to be published.(经过修正后的翻译,该文件已经准备好发布了。)
- The corrected map highlighted the correct route to the destination.(已修正的地图标示出了到目的地的正确路线。)
- He appreciated the corrected feedback on his presentation, which helped him improve.(他很感激有关他演讲的修改后的反馈,这帮助他改进了。)
- They submitted a corrected version of the proposal to address the reviewer's concerns.(他们提交了一份已经修正过的提案版本,以解决审稿人的顾虑。)