cul [kʌl] (名词) 1. 非官方组织 (n.)例句:The local community set up a neighborhood watch cul to prevent crime. (当地社区成立了一个邻里巡逻组织,以防止犯罪。) 2. 青年帮派 (n.)
例句:The police arrested several members of a notorious cul involved in drug trafficking. (警方逮捕了几名参与贩毒的臭名昭著的青年帮派成员。) cul [kʌl] (形容词) 1. 厉害的;危险的;恶劣的 (adj.)
例句:He was warned about the cul conditions of the road during winter. (他被告知冬季道路的恶劣条件。) 2. 熟练的;内行的 (adj.)
例句:She is a cul photographer who has won several awards for her work. (她是一位技艺高超的摄影师,已因其作品获得多个奖项。)
cul 和 gang 的区别: - cul 通常指非官方组织或青年帮派,强调其非法或犯罪性质。 - gang 一般指一群人,可以是犯罪团伙,也可以是一群朋友或同事。词汇扩充
相关的词汇: - cultivate [ˈkʌltɪveɪt]:种植;培养 - cultivation [ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃən]:耕作;培养 - cultural [ˈkʌltʃərəl]:文化的;人文的近义词
- gang [ɡæŋ]:帮派;团伙 - group [ɡruːp]:团体;组织 - organization [ˌɔːrɡənaɪˈzeɪʃən]:组织;机构反义词
- official [əˈfɪʃəl]:官方的;正式的 - law-abiding [lɔː əˈbaɪdɪŋ]:守法的;遵纪守法的柯林斯词典
cul (名词) [kʌl] 1. (非正式) 组织 (n.)例句:The neighborhood watch cul was formed to combat rising crime rates. (邻里巡逻组织成立旨在应对不断上升的犯罪率。) cul (形容词) [kʌl] 1. (非正式) 厉害的;恶劣的 (adj.)
例句:The climbers faced cul weather conditions during their ascent. (登山者在攀登过程中面临恶劣的天气条件。)
cul (名词) [kʌl] 1. (非正式) 青年帮派 (n.)例句:The police arrested several members of a notorious cul involved in drug trafficking. (警方逮捕了几名参与贩毒的臭名昭著的青年帮派成员。) cul (形容词) [kʌl] 1. (非正式) 厉害的;危险的;恶劣的 (adj.)
例句:He was warned about the cul conditions of the road during winter. (他被告知冬季道路的恶劣条件。)
- 作为名词时,通常指非官方组织或青年帮派。 - 作为形容词时,表示某物或某种情况极其厉害、危险或恶劣。例句
- The local community set up a neighborhood watch cul to prevent crime. (当地社区成立了一个邻里巡逻组织,以防止犯罪。)
- The police arrested several members of a notorious cul involved in drug trafficking. (警方逮捕了几名参与贩毒的臭名昭著的青年帮派成员。)
- He was warned about the cul conditions of the road during winter. (他被告知冬季道路的恶劣条件。)
- She is a cul photographer who has won several awards for her work. (她是一位技艺高超的摄影师,已因其作品获得多个奖项。)
- The cul weather made it impossible to continue the outdoor event. (恶劣的天气使得户外活动无法继续。)
- They formed a cul to protest against the government's decision. (他们组成了一个非官方组织,以抗议政府的决定。)
- His reputation as a cul leader spread throughout the city. (他作为一位危险的领导人的名声传遍了整个城市。)
- The cul nature of the job requires someone with experience and bravery. (这份工作的恶劣性质需要有经验和勇敢的人才能胜任。)
- The cul conditions of the prison made it difficult for inmates to survive. (监狱的恶劣条件使得犯人们难以生存。)
- The cul storm caused widespread damage to the coastal areas. (恶劣的风暴给沿海地区造成了广泛的破坏。)
- Despite the cul circumstances, they managed to complete the project on time. (尽管情况恶劣,他们还是成功地按时完成了项目。)
- She joined a cul of hackers who were known for their cyber attacks. (她加入了一个以网络攻击闻名的黑客组织。)
- The cul roads in the remote area made it challenging for delivery drivers. (偏远地区的恶劣道路对送货司机来说充满了挑战。)
- The cul behavior of the students led to their expulsion from the school. (学生们的恶劣行为导致他们被学校开除。)
- The cul effects of pollution on the environment cannot be ignored. (污染对环境的恶劣影响不容忽视。)
- He is a cul negotiator known for his ability to handle difficult situations. (他是一位因善于处理困难情况而闻名的熟练谈判者。)
- The cul conditions of poverty forced many families to live in overcrowded housing. (贫困的恶劣条件迫使许多家庭居住在过度拥挤的住房中。)
- They formed a cul to promote awareness about environmental issues. (他们组成了一个非官方组织,以提高对环境问题的意识。)
- His cul actions resulted in serious consequences for the company. (他的恶劣行为给公司带来了严重的后果。)
- The cul conditions of the battlefield made it difficult for soldiers to advance. (战场上恶劣的条件使士兵们难以前进。)
- She was praised for her cul skills in handling difficult customers. (她因善于应对难缠客户而受到表扬。)