形容词 (Adjective)
1. 代表的;典型的
representative democracy 代议制民主
representative government 代议制政府
representative sample 代表性样本
typical, characteristic, emblematic, symbolic
atypical, unrepresentative
名词 (Noun)
1. 代表;代理人
柯林斯词典解释:Representatives are people who have been chosen to act or make decisions on behalf of another person or a group of people.
牛津词典解释:Representatives are people who have been chosen to act or speak on behalf of another person or group of people.
delegate, agent, proxy, spokesperson
Member of Parliament (MP) 国会议员
Congressman/Congresswoman 国会议员
trade representative 贸易代表
1. 代表某个组织、团体或国家:
He is a representative of the company in Asia.(他是该公司在亚洲的代表。)
2. 代表某个个人:
She appointed her sister as her representative.(她任命她的妹妹为她的代理人。)
3. 代表某个地区的选民:
The representatives of this district will vote on the proposal tomorrow.(该地区的代表们将在明天对该提案进行投票。)
- The company has appointed a representative to handle all customer complaints.(该公司已经指派了一位代表来处理所有的客户投诉。)
- In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.(在代议制民主国家中,公民选举代表来代表他们做决策。)
- The trade representative negotiated a new trade agreement between the two countries.(贸易代表在两国之间谈判了一项新的贸易协议。)
- As a representative of the student body, I will present your concerns to the school administration.(作为学生会的代表,我将把你们的问题呈现给学校行政部门。)
- The congresswoman is known for being a strong representative of her constituents.(这位女国会议员以代表选民的强硬立场而闻名。)
- The survey was conducted using a representative sample of the population.(这项调查采用了人口的代表性样本。)
- The elected representatives will vote on the proposed legislation next week.(当选的代表们将在下周对拟议的法案进行投票。)
- He is the representative of the workers' union and will negotiate with the company on their behalf.(他是工会的代表,将代表工会与公司进行谈判。)
- The ambassador is the official representative of his country in a foreign land.(大使是他国在外国的官方代表。)
- The company held a meeting with its representatives to discuss the new product launch.(公司与其代表举行了一次会议,讨论新产品的发布。)
- Our elected representatives should prioritize the needs and concerns of the people they represent.(我们选出的代表应该优先考虑他们所代表的人民的需求和关切。)
- She is a representative of the younger generation and brings a fresh perspective to the table.(她代表着年轻一代,给问题带来了新的观点。)
- The trade union appointed a representative to negotiate better working conditions for its members.(工会指派了一位代表为其成员协商更好的工作条件。)
- The representatives of the different political parties debated the proposed policies in parliament.(不同政党的代表在议会上辩论了拟议的政策。)
- As a representative of the company, I will attend the business conference on behalf of my colleagues.(作为公司的代表,我将代表同事们参加商务会议。)
- The elected representatives are accountable to the people who voted for them.(当选的代表对投票选举他们的人负责。)
- She is the representative of the fashion brand and travels around the world for promotional events.(她是这个时尚品牌的代表,为推广活动在世界各地旅行。)
- Our representatives in Congress are responsible for passing laws that benefit the country.(我们在国会的代表负责通过有利于国家的法律。)
- The company appointed a representative to handle the negotiations with the labor union.(公司指派了一位代表来处理与工会的谈判。)
- The student council representatives organize events and activities for the student body.(学生会代表组织学生的活动和活动。)
- He is a representative of the local community and works to address the concerns of its residents.(他是当地社区的代表,致力于解决居民的问题。)