1. 谨慎的;小心的
2. 被监视的;受保护的
3. 被护卫的;被看守的
1. 警卫;守卫
2. 保护;防护
guardedly (adv.)
guardedness (n.)
cautious, circumspect, prudent, watchful, wary
reckless, careless, incautious, unguarded
If you describe someone as guarded, you mean that they are careful not to show their feelings or give away information.
Guarded behaviour or speech is cautious and careful, as if the person speaking or behaving does not want to reveal how they really feel.
cautious and having possible doubts
Guardedness (uncountable)
1. He gave a guarded response to the question. (他对这个问题给出了谨慎的回答。) [来源: 柯林斯]
2. The witness was guarded in his testimony, revealing only what was necessary. (目击证人在证言中很谨慎,只透露了必要的信息。) [来源: 牛津]
3. The guarded entrance was heavily monitored by security cameras. (被看守的入口由安全摄像头密切监控。) [来源: 自创]
- She was guarded about her personal life, rarely revealing anything to others. (她对个人生活保持谨慎,很少向他人透露任何事情。) [来源: 自创]
- His guarded expression made it difficult to read his true emotions. (他谨慎的表情使人难以读懂他真正的情绪。) [来源: 自创]
- The diplomat's guarded remarks revealed little about the negotiations. (那位外交官谨慎的言辞很少透露有关谈判的信息。) [来源: 柯林斯]
- The celebrity's house was heavily guarded by security personnel. (这位名人的房子由安保人员严密看守。) [来源: 牛津]
- After the incident, the bank implemented guarded measures to protect customer data. (事故发生后,银行采取了保护客户数据的谨慎措施。) [来源: 自创]
- His guarded response to the question indicated his lack of trust in the interviewer. (他对这个问题的谨慎回答显示出他对采访者的不信任。) [来源: 柯林斯]
- The guardedness of her tone suggested that she was hiding something. (她说话的谨慎暗示着她在隐瞒某事。) [来源: 牛津]
- The soldier remained guarded throughout the interrogation, revealing nothing about his mission. (士兵在整个审讯过程中始终保持谨慎,没有透露有关任务的任何信息。) [来源: 自创]
- She spoke with a guarded optimism, aware of the potential challenges ahead. (她以谨慎的乐观态度说话,意识到前方可能存在的挑战。) [来源: 柯林斯]
- The guarded behavior of the suspect suggested his involvement in the crime. (嫌疑人的谨慎行为表明了他在犯罪中的涉案嫌疑。) [来源: 牛津]
- She gave a guarded smile, not wanting to reveal her true feelings. (她浅笑一下,不愿透露内心真实的感受。) [来源: 自创]
- The guarded response from the government raised concerns among the public. (政府的谨慎回应引发了公众的关注。) [来源: 柯林斯]
- His guarded nature made it difficult for him to form close relationships. (他谨慎的性格使他很难建立亲密关系。) [来源: 牛津]
- They entered the guarded facility with proper authorization. (他们凭合适的授权进入了受到看守的设施。) [来源: 自创]
- The artist's guarded response to criticism showed her sensitivity to feedback. (艺术家对批评的谨慎回应显示出她对反馈的敏感性。) [来源: 柯林斯]
- The guardedness of his statements indicated that he was hiding something important. (他言辞的谨慎暗示着他在隐瞒一些重要的事情。) [来源: 牛津]
- They lived in a guarded community with security personnel at every entrance. (他们住在一个有安保人员在每个入口的受保护社区里。) [来源: 自创]
- The witness' guarded testimony provided little information to the court. (证人谨慎的证词为法庭提供了很少的信息。) [来源: 柯林斯]
- His guarded attitude made it difficult to establish trust with others. (他谨慎的态度使得与他人建立信任变得困难。) [来源: 牛津]
- The guarded response from the company spokesperson fueled speculation about the incident. (公司发言人的谨慎回应加剧了对该事件的猜测。) [来源: 自创]
- They approached the guarded border with caution. (他们小心翼翼地接近被看守的边境。) [来源: 自创]