1. cloudy
例句:The sky is cloudy today. (今天天空多云。)
1. cloud
例句:The clouds are beautiful today. (今天的云很美。)
反义词:clear sky(晴空)
1. cloud vs smoke
中文含义:云 vs 烟
英 [klaʊd] 美 [klaʊd]
1. NOUN 云
例句:The sun had disappeared behind a cloud. (太阳消失在一片云后。)
2. NOUN (烟雾状的)一团,一片
例句:She watched as a cloud of smoke rose into the air. (她看着一团烟雾升入空中。)
3. NOUN (气候等的)蔽蔽蒙蒙,阴郁
例句:There was a cloud over the whole city. (整个城市笼罩在一片阴云之下。)
4. VERB 使模糊,使阴暗
例句:The steam from the kettle clouded the kitchen window. (水壶冒出的蒸汽使厨房的窗户模糊起来。)
英 [klaʊd] 美 [klaʊd]
1. NOUN 云
例句:The sun disappeared behind a cloud. (太阳消失在一片云后。)
2. NOUN (烟雾状的)一团,一片
例句:A cloud of smoke hung in the air. (一团烟雾悬挂在空中。)
3. NOUN (尤指炸药、火药的)烟雾云
例句:A cloud of smoke rose from the explosion. (爆炸产生的烟雾云升起。)
4. VERB (使)变模糊,变暗淡
例句:Her glasses clouded with steam. (她的眼镜被蒸汽弄得模糊了。)
- The sky is cloudy today. (今天天空多云。)
- There are dark clouds on the horizon. (地平线上有黑云。)
- The clouds are gathering, it might rain. (云正在聚集,可能会下雨。)
- The plane flew through the fluffy white clouds. (飞机穿过蓬松的白云。)
- She pointed to a cloud shaped like a horse. (她指着一朵像马的云。)
- A cloud of smoke billowed from the factory chimney. (一团烟雾从工厂的烟囱冒出。)
- His face was obscured by a cloud of sadness. (他的脸上笼罩着一片悲伤的阴影。)
- I could see a dark cloud hanging over his head. (我看到他头上有一团黑云。)
- Her joyful expression lifted the cloud of worry that had been hanging over the family. (她喜悦的表情消除了一直笼罩在家庭上的忧虑。)
- The steam from the hot shower clouded the bathroom mirror. (热水淋浴的蒸汽使浴室镜子变模糊。)
- He clouded the issue with his confusing explanation. (他的混乱解释使问题变得模糊起来。)
- The news of the scandal clouded his reputation. (丑闻的消息使他的声誉受损。)
- The children lay on the grass and watched the clouds drift across the sky. (孩子们躺在草地上,观看云朵在天空中漂移。)
- She gazed up at the sky, mesmerized by the beauty of the clouds. (她仰望着天空,被云朵的美丽所迷住。)
- Before the storm, the clouds turned dark and ominous. (暴风雨来临前,云朵变得阴暗而不祥。)
- He had his head in the clouds, always dreaming and never focusing on reality. (他总是把头埋在云里,总是幻想,从不专注于现实。)
- The artist painted a landscape with fluffy white clouds in a blue sky. (艺术家用蓝天白云描绘了一幅风景画。)
- As the sun set, the clouds turned shades of pink and orange. (太阳落山时,云朵变成了粉红色和橙色。)
- She could see her reflection in the clouded mirror. (她可以在昏暗的镜子中看到自己的倒影。)
- They watched as the clouds rolled in, signaling the arrival of a storm. (他们看着云朵滚滚而来,预示着暴风雨的到来。)