1. 闷热的;窒息的
Meaning: lacking fresh air; causing a feeling of being stifled or suffocated.
- The room was so stuffy that I had to open a window.
- 这个房间太闷热,我不得不开窗户。
2. 乏味的;沉闷的
Meaning: lacking in interest, excitement, or variety; dull.
- The party was quite stuffy; there was no music or dancing.
- 这个聚会相当沉闷,没有音乐或舞蹈。
3. 自负的;拘谨的
Meaning: excessively formal, conventional, or self-important.
- He is a stuffy old man who always insists on doing things his own way.
- 他是个自负的老头,总是坚持按自己的方式做事。
1. 闷热的地方
Meaning: a place that is lacking in fresh air and feels stifling.
- I couldn't stand the stuffiness of the crowded subway.
- 我无法忍受拥挤的地铁里的闷热。
1. airless: without fresh air; stuffy or suffocating. (闷热的;不通风的)
2. suffocating: causing a feeling of being trapped and unable to breathe; very suffocating. (令人窒息的;非常压抑的)
3. monotonous: lacking in variety; tediously unvarying. (单调的;乏味的)
4. pretentious: attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed. (自负的;炫耀的)
stifling, oppressive, airless, suffocating, close
fresh, airy, ventilated, open
stuffy (adjective)
1. If a room or building is stuffy, it is unpleasant because there is not enough fresh air in it.
2. If you describe someone as stuffy, you mean that they are very formal, conservative, or old-fashioned.
3. If you describe something such as a book, a lecture, or a style of writing as stuffy, you mean that it is serious, dull, and rather old-fashioned.
stuffy (adjective)
1. (Of a room) lacking fresh air or ventilation.
2. (Of a person) self-important; pompous.
3. (Of a situation) dull and lacking in interest.
1. The room was so stuffy that I had to open a window.
2. He finds the formal atmosphere at work stuffy.
3. I don't like his stuffy attitude.
4. She thought the lecture was rather stuffy and old-fashioned.
- The room was so stuffy that I had to open a window. (这个房间太闷热,我不得不开窗户。)
- It's so stuffy in here. Let's go outside and get some fresh air. (这里太闷热了,我们出去呼吸新鲜空气吧。)
- He finds the formal atmosphere at work stuffy. (他觉得工作中的正式氛围太拘谨了。)
- The party was quite stuffy; there was no music or dancing. (这个聚会相当沉闷,没有音乐或舞蹈。)
- She thought the lecture was rather stuffy and old-fashioned. (她觉得那个讲座相当沉闷和过时。)
- He is a stuffy old man who always insists on doing things his own way. (他是个自负的老头,总是坚持按自己的方式做事。)
- I couldn't stand the stuffiness of the crowded subway. (我无法忍受拥挤的地铁里的闷热。)
- The stuffiness of the room made it difficult to breathe. (房间的闷热使得呼吸困难。)
- The stuffiness of the office environment was suffocating. (办公室环境的闷热让人窒息。)
- The stuffy atmosphere at the dinner party was uncomfortable. (晚宴上的拘谨气氛令人不舒服。)
- The stuffy professor lectured for hours without engaging the students. (那位死板的教授讲了几个小时的课,却没有引起学生的兴趣。)
- She didn't enjoy the stuffy conversation at the party. (她不喜欢聚会上沉闷的谈话。)
- He's always been a bit stuffy and traditional in his thinking. (他一直都有点保守和传统思维。)
- The stuffy atmosphere in the office stifled creativity. (办公室中的拘谨氛围压制了创造力。)
- I find the stuffy formality of these events exhausting. (我觉得这些活动中的拘谨形式主义令人精疲力尽。)
- The stuffy rules and regulations of the organization limit innovation. (组织的拘谨规定限制了创新。)
- The stuffy old hotel had no air conditioning. (这家古老的旅馆没有空调,很闷热。)
- My grandparents' house always felt stuffy and closed-off. (我祖父母的房子总是让人感到闷热和封闭。)
- She opened the windows to let in fresh air and relieve the stuffy feeling in the room. (她打开窗户让新鲜空气进来,缓解房间的闷热感。)
- After spending hours in the stuffy library, he needed a breath of fresh air. (在闷热的图书馆里呆了几个小时后,他需要呼吸新鲜空气。)
- The stuffy lecture bored the students and many fell asleep. (无聊的讲座令学生们感到厌倦,很多人打起了瞌睡。)
- Her stuffy attitude towards new ideas hindered progress in the company. (她对新想法的保守态度妨碍了公司的进步。)