persecute [prˈsɪkjuːt]是一个动词,没有形容词和名词的形式。
persecute 与压迫(oppress)的区别在于,persecute 通常指对某人或某群体进行持续的迫害,而 oppress 则更强调对人民或较大范围进行的压迫。
persecution [prˈsɪkjuːʃən] (n.) 迫害
persecutor [prˈsɪkjuːtər] (n.) 迫害者
harass [həˈræs] (v.) 骚扰
oppress [əˈpres] (v.) 压迫
victimize [ˈvɪktɪmaɪz] (v.) 使受害
protect [prəˈtɛkt] (v.) 保护
support [səˈpɔːrt] (v.) 支持
1. If someone is persecuted, they are treated cruelly and unfairly, often because of their race or beliefs.
例句:He was persecuted by the authorities for his beliefs.
2. If you say that someone is persecuting you, you mean that they are treating you cruelly and unfairly, often because of your race or beliefs.
例句:He accused his opponents of trying to persecute him.
1. Subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of their race or political or religious beliefs.
例句:His followers were persecuted after his death.
2. Persistently harass or annoy.
例句:He was persecuted by the police for his anti-government views.
persecute 是一个及物动词,常与人作宾语,表示对某人进行迫害、虐待、骚扰等不公正行为。
- The religious minority in that country has long been persecuted for their beliefs. (那个国家的宗教少数派因其信仰而长期受到迫害。)
- She accused her ex-husband of persecuting her through their divorce proceedings. (她指控前夫在离婚诉讼中对她进行迫害。)
- Many innocent civilians were persecuted during the war. (许多无辜的平民在战争期间受到迫害。)
- The government has been accused of persecuting political dissidents. (政府被指控迫害政治异见者。)
- The refugees were persecuted in their home country and sought asylum elsewhere. (难民在自己的祖国受到迫害,寻求在其他地方庇护。)
- He claimed he was being persecuted by the media. (他声称自己正受到媒体的迫害。)
- She was relentlessly persecuted by her classmates for being different. (她因为与众不同而遭到同学们无情的迫害。)
- They were persecuted for their political activism. (因为他们的政治行动,他们受到了迫害。)
- He was persecuted by the police for speaking out against the regime. (因为公开反对政权,他受到了警方的迫害。)
- The tribe was persecuted by neighboring groups. (这个部落受到了邻近部落的迫害。)
- They were forced to flee their country due to persecution. (他们因为受到迫害,被迫逃离了祖国。)
- She felt persecuted by her boss, who constantly criticized her work. (她觉得自己受到了上司的迫害,上司经常批评她的工作。)
- He was persecuted and imprisoned for his political activism. (因为他的政治行动,他受到迫害并入狱。)
- The government has been accused of persecuting ethnic minorities. (政府被指控迫害少数民族。)
- They were persecuted for their religious beliefs and sought refuge in a new land. (因为他们的宗教信仰受到迫害,他们寻求庇护于新的土地。)
- She claimed that she was being persecuted by her former colleagues. (她声称自己正受到前同事的迫害。)
- The religious group faced persecution and discrimination. (该宗教团体面临迫害和歧视。)
- He was persecuted for his sexual orientation. (因为他的性取向,他受到了迫害。)
- The refugees were persecuted for their political beliefs. (这些难民因其政治信仰而受到迫害。)
- The government has been accused of persecuting journalists who report on corruption. (政府被指控迫害报道腐败的记者。)
- She felt like she was being persecuted by her family for her life choices. (她觉得自己因为生活选择受到了家人的迫害。)