1. 支配的,控制的
- 柯林斯词典:If one thing is dominated by another, the first thing is controlled or influenced by the second.
- 牛津词典:Control, govern, or determine the behavior or outcome of.
- 词汇扩充:dictated, governed, influenced, controlled
2. 显著的,占主导地位的
- 柯林斯词典:If something is dominated by a particular feature or emotion, it is strongly influenced or affected by it.
- 牛津词典:Be the most important or conspicuous feature of.
- 词汇扩充:prevailing, prominent, overriding
1. 统治者,主宰
- 柯林斯词典:The ruler or leader of a country, or the person with the most power or influence in a group or organization.
- 牛津词典:A ruler or ruling body with total power and authority.
2. 显著特征,主导因素
- 柯林斯词典:The main feature or most conspicuous element of something.
- 牛津词典:The most important or conspicuous part or feature of something.
dominate vs.
- "dominate"强调通过控制或影响他人来主导或支配。例:He dominated the conversation.(他主导了谈话。)
- "rule"强调通过权力或法律来统治或掌控。例:The king ruled the country for many years.(国王统治了这个国家多年。)
1. control:控制
2. influence:影响
3. direct:指导
4. command:指挥
5. govern:统治
6. dictate:决定
7. overpower:压倒
8. prevail:占优势
9. lead:领导
10. subordinate:从属的
1. control:控制
2. govern:统治
3. command:指挥
4. prevail:占优势
5. lead:领导
1. submit:屈服
2. follow:追随
3. obey:服从
4. yield:让步
5. succumb:屈服
dominated (形容词)
1. If one thing is dominated by another, the first thing is controlled or influenced by the second.
2. If something is dominated by a particular feature or emotion, it is strongly influenced or affected by it.
dominated (名词)
1. The ruler or leader of a country, or the person with the most power or influence in a group or organization.
2. The main feature or most conspicuous element of something.
dominated (形容词)
1. Control, govern, or determine the behavior or outcome of.
2. Be the most important or conspicuous feature of.
dominated (名词)
1. A ruler or ruling body with total power and authority.
2. The most important or conspicuous part or feature of something.
- The country is dominated by a single political party.
- The meeting was dominated by discussions on climate change.
- She dominated the stage with her powerful performance.
- The company's success is dominated by their innovative products.
The political landscape in that region is dominated by one party. (该地区的政治局势由一个党派主导。)
The company dominated the market with its superior technology. (该公司凭借其卓越的技术主导了市场。)
Her fear of failure dominated her thoughts. (她对失败的恐惧笼罩着她的思维。)
The towering skyscraper dominates the city skyline. (高耸的摩天大楼主宰着城市天际线。)
He dominates the conversation and doesn't let anyone else speak. (他主导着谈话,不让其他人发言。)
His aggressive playing style dominated the tennis match. (他具有攻击性的打球风格主导了网球比赛。)
The dictator dominated the country for decades. (这个独裁者统治了这个国家几十年。)
The team's star player dominated the game and scored multiple goals. (球队的明星球员主宰了比赛,并打进了多个进球。)
Her loud voice dominated the noisy room. (她高亢的声音盖过了嘈杂的房间声音。)
The dominant factor in their decision was cost. (影响他们决策的主要因素是成本。)
The company's dominant position in the market gives it a competitive edge. (该公司在市场上的主导地位使其具备竞争优势。)
The dominant color in the painting is blue. (画作中占主导地位的颜色是蓝色。)
His dominant personality made it difficult for others to express their opinions. (他的强势个性使得他人很难表达自己的观点。)
The dominant theme of the novel is love and redemption. (小说的主导主题是爱与救赎。)
Her dominant hand is her right hand. (她的优势手是右手。)
The dominant species in that ecosystem is the lion. (那个生态系统中的优势物种是狮子。)
He has a dominant presence on the basketball court. (他在篮球场上具有强势的存在感。)
The king's dominance over his subjects was absolute. (国王对臣民的统治是绝对的。)
The dominant ideology of the ruling party shaped the policies of the government. (执政党的主导意识形态塑造了政府的政策。)
The dominant culture in that region is heavily influenced by Western traditions. (该地区的主导文化受到西方传统的深刻影响。)
Her dominant position in the company allows her to make important decisions. (她在公司的主导地位使她能够做出重要决策。)