attended [əˈtɛndɪd]
- 参加的;出席的
- 陪同的;随行的
- 陪伴的;陪护的
attendance [əˈtɛndəns]
- 出席;参加
- 出席人数
- 照顾;陪伴
attend 是动词形式,表示“参加;出席;照顾;关心”。
attendance 是名词形式,表示“出席;参加;出席人数;照顾;陪伴”。
与“attended”相关的词汇有:attendee, attendant, attentiveness, attending, unattended, pre-attend等。
与“attended”意思相近的词汇有:participated, joined, showed up, took part in, accompanied, accompanied by等。
与“attended”意思相反的词汇有:absent, skip, miss, avoid, ignore等。
attended (adjective)
- If an event is attended by a particular thing, that thing is present at the event.
- If an event is attended by a particular number of people, that number of people are present at the event.
- If someone is attended by a person or group of people, they have that person or group with them and are being looked after by them.
attendance (noun)
- The attendance at a place such as a school or meeting is the number of people who are present at it.
- Attendance is the act of being present at a particular event.
- If you say that someone is in attendance, you mean that they are present at a particular event.
attended (adjective)
- Being present at an event or function.
- Accompanied by.
- Having a particular person or thing with one.
attendance (noun)
- The action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event.
- A group of people giving a particular service, typically in a hospital or hotel.
1. attend [verb]: She attended the party last night.
2. attendance [noun]: The attendance at the conference was impressive.
3. attendee [noun]: All attendees must register at the front desk.
4. attended by [adjective phrase]: The concert was attended by thousands of fans.
5. in attendance [idiom]: The president will be in attendance at the meeting.
6. unattended [adjective]: Please do not leave your luggage unattended.
7. attend to [phrasal verb]: The nurse will attend to your needs.
8. attended with [adjective phrase]: The event was attended with great success.
9. attentive [adjective]: The waiter was very attentive and brought us everything we needed.
- He attended the meeting yesterday. 他昨天参加了会议。
- I attended a three-day conference on climate change. 我参加了为期三天的气候变化会议。
- She was attended by a personal assistant during the event. 她在活动期间有一位私人助理陪伴。
- The concert was well attended and enjoyed by all. 这场音乐会人数众多,大家都很喜欢。
- The school has a high attendance rate. 这所学校的出勤率很高。
- Her attendance at the meeting was mandatory. 她必须出席会议。
- All attendees are required to wear a name tag. 所有参会人员都需要佩戴姓名标签。
- The conference was attended by over 500 delegates. 会议有500多名代表参加。
- The president will be in attendance at the charity gala. 总统将出席慈善晚会。
- Please do not leave your bags unattended. 请勿将您的行李物品无人看管。
- The nurse will attend to your needs shortly. 护士会很快来照顾您的需求。
- The event was attended with great success. 这次活动取得了巨大的成功。
- The teacher was attentive to each student's needs. 老师对每个学生的需求都非常关注。
- He attended to his garden, planting new flowers. 他忙着照料花园,种植新花。
- She attended to her sick child all night. 她整夜照顾她生病的孩子。
- The conference was attended by experts from around the world. 这次会议有来自世界各地的专家参加。
- I couldn't attend the party because I had a prior engagement. 我不能参加派对,因为我之前有约。
- His attendance at the meeting was noted by the boss. 老板注意到他参加了会议。
- The hotel had a staff of attendants ready to assist guests. 酒店配备了一群随时为客人提供帮助的服务员。
- Her attendance at the event was expected, but she did not show up. 她本应该出席活动,但她没有出现。
- The class attended a field trip to the zoo. 这个班级参观了动物园。
- He was attentive to his girlfriend's needs and always put her first. 他对女朋友的需求非常关心,总是把她放在第一位。