1. 宗教的;规范的 - 词义:符合宗教规范或准则的;被普遍接受的或公认的 - 例句:The canonical laws of the church must be followed.(教会的规范法律必须遵守) 2. 典范的;典型的 - 词义:作为典范、典型或标准的;经典的 - 例句:Shakespeare's plays are considered canonical works of English literature.(莎士比亚的戏剧被认为是英国文学的经典之作) 3. (数学)标准的;规范的 - 词义:符合标准或规范的;被公认为权威的 - 例句:The canonical form of a quadratic equation is ax^2 + bx + c = 0.(二次方程的标准形式为ax^2 + bx + c = 0)名词
1. 典范文本 - 词义:被广泛接受为真实、准确或权威的文本 - 例句:The Bible is considered a canonical text by Christians.(基督教徒认为圣经是典范文本) 2. (天主教)正典书籍 - 词义:天主教认可的经典圣经书籍 - 例句:The canonical books of the Old Testament include Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.(旧约圣经的正典书籍包括《创世记》、《出埃及记》、《利未记》、《民数记》和《申命记》)词语辨析
- canonical与traditional的区别:canonical侧重于符合宗教、准则或规范;traditional侧重于传统或习俗。 - canonical与authentic的区别:canonical强调被广泛接受为真实、准确或权威的;authentic强调真实性或可靠性。词汇扩充
- canon:规范;标准(名词) - canonicity:典范性;规范性(名词) - canonize:使成为经典;使成为圣徒(动词)近义词
- standard:标准的 - authoritative:权威的 - accepted:被接受的反义词
- noncanonical:非正典的柯林斯词典
形容词 1. 典范的;典型的 2. (天主教)正典的;正式批准的 3. (音乐)标准的;符合规范的 名词 1. (天主教)正典书籍 2. (基督教)牧师的住所牛津词典
形容词 1. 典范的;权威的;正统的 2. (音乐)按照标准的;规范的 名词 1. 正典;真经 2. 圣徒的传记 3. (天主教)正典书籍 4. 牧师的住所用法
- "canonical"作为形容词时,可用于描述符合宗教、准则、规范的事物,也可表示作为典范、典型或标准的事物。 - "canonical"作为名词时,可指正典文本、正典书籍或牧师的住所。例句
- The canonical laws of the church must be followed.(教会的规范法律必须遵守)
- Shakespeare's plays are considered canonical works of English literature.(莎士比亚的戏剧被认为是英国文学的经典之作)
- The canonical form of a quadratic equation is ax^2 + bx + c = 0.(二次方程的标准形式为ax^2 + bx + c = 0)
- The Bible is considered a canonical text by Christians.(基督教徒认为圣经是典范文本)
- The canonical books of the Old Testament include Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.(旧约圣经的正典书籍包括《创世记》、《出埃及记》、《利未记》、《民数记》和《申命记》)
- His actions were not considered canonical within the organization.(他的行为在组织内不被视为规范)
- The composer followed the canonical rules of fugue writing.(作曲家遵循了赋格写作的规范)
- This painting is a canonical example of the artist's style.(这幅画是该艺术家风格的典型例子)
- The novel has become a canonical work in the genre of science fiction.(这部小说已成为科幻文学类别中的经典之作)
- The canonical hours are specific times for prayer observed by monks.(规定的教士祈祷的特定时间称为规定时间)
- The canonical gospels include Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.(正典福音书包括《马太福音》、《马可福音》、《路加福音》和《约翰福音》)
- He has written several articles on canonical literature.(他写了几篇关于典范文学的文章)
- They visited the canonical residence of the bishop.(他们参观了主教的官邸)
- She studied the canonical texts of ancient philosophy.(她研究了古代哲学的正典文献)
- The musician performed the piece according to the canonical score.(音乐家按照规范乐谱演奏了这首曲子)
- His work has had a canonical influence on the field of psychology.(他的工作对心理学领域产生了权威性的影响)
- The canonical ensemble is widely used in statistical mechanics.(正则系综在统计力学中被广泛使用)
- She is an expert in canonical transformations in physics.(她是物理学中正则变换的专家)
- Many artists aspire to achieve canonical status in their respective fields.(许多艺术家都渴望在各自的领域中获得典范地位)
- The author's latest novel is not considered canonical by literary critics.(文学评论家不认为作者的最新小说是经典之作)
- He studied the canonical scriptures of Buddhism.(他研究了佛教的正典经文)