arranged- 词义:经过安排的,整理好的
- 例句:The books on the shelf were neatly arranged by size.(书架上的书按大小整齐地摆放着。)
1. 安排,布置- 词义:对事物的有序安排或组织
- 例句:The arrangement of furniture in the room was perfect.(房间内家具的布置非常完美。)
- 词义:双方或多方的商定或协议
- 例句:They made an arrangement to meet at the restaurant.(他们商定在餐馆见面。)
- 词义:为实现某事所进行的准备工作
- 例句:We need to make arrangements for the conference next week.(我们需要为下周的会议做好准备工作。)
arrangement 和 plan 都表示对事物的有序安排,但arrangement 更侧重于布置或整理,而plan 更侧重于事前的规划。
- rearrange:重新安排
- disarrange:弄乱,打乱
- unarranged:未经安排的
- organization:组织
- order:秩序
- configuration:配置
- disorder:无序
- chaos:混乱
- disarray:杂乱
- 名词:An arrangement is an agreement that you make with someone to do something.
- 例句:They had an arrangement that either one could take a day off whenever they needed to.(他们有一项协议,每个人都可以在需要时休假一天。)
- 名词:Arrangement is the organization and plan for a particular event, activity, or process.
- 例句:The trip was part of the arrangements for his birthday celebration.(这次旅行是为了他的生日庆祝活动做的安排之一。)
- 名词:An arrangement is a plan or preparation that you make so that something can happen.
- 例句:He had to make arrangements for someone to look after his dog.(他不得不安排有人照看他的狗。)
- 名词:Plans or preparations for a future event.
- 例句:I made arrangements to be away from the office for a few days.(我安排了几天不在办公室。)
- 名词:An agreement with someone that you will each do a particular thing.
- 例句:They had an arrangement that he would clean the house and she would cook.(他们有一个协议,他负责打扫房子,她负责做饭。)
- 名词:The way in which things are organized or planned for a particular purpose.
- 例句:The seating arrangement in the conference room was rearranged.(会议室的座位安排被重新调整了。)
- make arrangements:做安排
- come to an arrangement:达成协议
- arrange for:安排
- arrange with:与...安排好
- We need to make arrangements for the conference next week.(我们需要为下周的会议做好准备工作。)
- He made arrangements for his sister to pick up the tickets at the theater.(他安排他妹妹在剧院领取门票。)
- The arrangement of the flowers in the vase was beautiful.(花瓶里的花朵的布置很美。)
- We have an arrangement with the hotel for discounted room rates.(我们与酒店有一项特价房间的协议。)
- They made an arrangement to meet at the restaurant.(他们商定在餐馆见面。)
- She rearranged the furniture in her living room.(她重新布置了客厅的家具。)
- The arrangements for the wedding were elaborate and well-planned.(婚礼的安排非常精心和周密。)
- He had to disarrange the files to find the missing document.(他不得不把文件弄乱以找到丢失的文件。)
- The seating arrangement in the theater was not to their liking.(剧院的座位安排不符合他们的喜好。)
- They reached an arrangement on the division of the inheritance.(他们就遗产的分配达成了协议。)
- He is in charge of the logistical arrangements for the event.(他负责活动的后勤安排。)
- The arrangement of the books on the shelf was haphazard.(书架上书的布置是杂乱无章的。)
- They had to cancel their vacation due to unforeseen arrangements.(由于不可预见的安排,他们不得不取消度假计划。)
- The arrangement of the chairs in the room provided a comfortable seating area.(房间里的椅子布置提供了一个舒适的座位区域。)
- They came to an arrangement regarding the division of household chores.(他们就家务分工达成了协议。)
- The wedding planner took care of all the arrangements for the ceremony.(婚礼策划师负责所有的婚礼安排。)
- He had an arrangement with his neighbor to water the plants while he was away.(他与邻居有个约定,他外出期间邻居会给植物浇水。)
- The arrangement of the song was unique and innovative.(这首歌的编曲独特而创新。)
- They made arrangements for the delivery of the furniture to their new home.(他们安排了家具送到他们的新家。)
- She had a special arrangement with the library to borrow books for an extended period.(她与图书馆有特别的协议,可以借书更长时间。)
- He disarranged the pieces on the chessboard to confuse his opponent.(为了迷惑对手,他把棋盘上的棋子弄乱了。)