1. coin /kɔɪn/: - 【货币】硬币 - 【硬币】货币的一种形式,通常由金属制成,在一国内流通 - 【金属货币】由金属制成的货币动词:
1. coin /kɔɪn/: - 【铸造】铸造(硬币)形容词:
1. coined /kɔɪnd/: - 【新造的】刚刚创造的或发明的词汇扩充:
【名词】 - 【硬币】coinage - 【钱币收藏】numismatics - 【货币制度】monetary system - 【金币】gold coin - 【银币】silver coin - 【铜币】copper coin - 【纪念币】commemorative coin - 【假币】counterfeit coin - 【小额硬币】small change 【动词】 - 【铸币】mint词语辨析:
- 【coin】特指硬币,是货币的一种形式,通常由金属制成,在一国内流通。 - 【money】泛指任何一种支付手段,包括硬币、纸币和电子货币等。柯林斯词典解释:
coin (noun) - 【countable noun】A coin is a small piece of metal which is used as money. - 【countable noun】Coins are small, round, flat pieces of metal used as money. - 【countable noun】A coin is a piece of money used in a particular country. coin (verb) - 【transitive verb】If someone coins a word or a phrase, they invent it or make it up. - 【transitive verb】If someone coins a name or phrase, they are the first person to say it or use it.牛津词典解释:
coin (noun) - 【countable noun】A flat, typically round piece of metal with an official stamp, used as money. - 【countable noun】A device used for stamping a design onto a coin. - 【countable noun】A newly invented word or phrase. - 【countable noun】A small disc or medal bearing an inscription or design and awarded for excellence or achievement. coin (verb) - 【with object】Make (coins) by stamping metal. - 【with object】Invent or devise (a new word or phrase). - 【with object】Make up or devise (a new word or phrase).用法:
- 【常用短语】 - make a coin:铸币 - toss a coin:抛硬币决定 - a coin of the realm:合法货币 - 【搭配短语】 - a gold coin:金币 - a silver coin:银币 - a copper coin:铜币 - a commemorative coin:纪念币 - a counterfeit coin:假币 - a small change:小额硬币近义词:
- currency - money - legal tender反义词:
- note - bill - paper money例句:
- He dropped a coin into the slot of the vending machine.
- 他把硬币投入了自动贩卖机的投币口。
- The old man collected coins from all over the world.
- 老人收集世界各地的硬币。
- Do you have any small change for the parking meter?
- 你有没有硬币可以用于停车计费器?
- She has a coin collection that includes rare gold coins.
- 她有一组硬币收藏品,其中包括稀有的金币。
- The word "cyberpunk" was coined by the science fiction writer Bruce Bethke in 1983.
- “赛博朋克”这个词是科幻作家布鲁斯·贝思克于1983年创造的。
- Shakespeare is said to have coined many new words and phrases.
- 据说莎士比亚创造了许多新词和短语。
- The company has recently coined a new slogan for their advertising campaign.
- 该公司最近为他们的广告活动创造了一个新的口号。
- The newly coined term "staycation" refers to a vacation spent at home.
- 新近创造的词语“staycation”指的是在家度假。
- She won a gold coin for her outstanding performance in the competition.
- 她因在比赛中表现出色而获得了一枚金币。
- The counterfeit coin was so well-made that it was difficult to spot.
- 这枚假币制作得非常精良,很难辨别。
- He flipped a coin to decide who would go first.
- 他抛硬币决定谁先走。
- She found a coin buried in the sand.
- 她在沙子里找到了一枚硬币。
- They tossed a coin to determine the winner.
- 他们抛硬币来决定胜利者。
- The vending machine only accepts coins, not bills.
- 自动贩卖机只接受硬币,不接受纸币。
- The train fare is 2 euros, please have the exact change.
- 火车票价是2欧元,请准备好零钱。
- He dropped a coin in the beggar's cup.
- 他把硬币投进了乞丐的杯子里。
- The company minted a special coin to commemorate the anniversary.
- 公司铸造了一枚特别纪念币来庆祝周年纪念。
- She found a rare coin at a flea market.
- 她在跳蚤市场找到了一枚稀有的硬币。
- The coin operated the lock mechanism.
- 这枚硬币操作了锁机构。
- He presented her with a coin as a token of his appreciation.
- 他赠送了一枚硬币作为对她的赞赏的象征。
- The coin has a picture of a famous historical figure on one side.
- 硬币的一边有着一位著名历史人物的画像。
- She flipped a coin and made her decision based on the result.
- 她抛了个硬币,根据结果做出了决定。