intense [ɪnˈtɛns] 1. 强烈的; 激烈的 2. 紧张的; 热切的名词
intensity [ɪnˈtɛnsɪti] 1. 强烈; 激烈 2. (光、声、热等的)强度 3. (感情的)强烈程度 4. 强烈的感受或体验词语辨析
intensity与strength的区别: - intensity强调某种感觉或经历的强烈程度; - strength则指某物的力量或能力。词汇扩充
1. intensive [ɪnˈtɛnsɪv] 形容词 - 强化的; 加强的 - 密集的; 集中的 - 深入的; 强调的 - (农业)集约化的 2. intensify [ɪnˈtɛnsɪfaɪ] 动词 - 加强; 强化 - (感情等)变得强烈 - (光、声等)增强近义词
1. strength [strɛŋθ] 名词 2. force [fɔrs] 名词 3. power [ˈpaʊər] 名词反义词
1. weakness [ˈwiknɪs] 名词 2. feebleness [ˈfiːblnɪs] 名词 3. lack of intensity 缺乏强度柯林斯词典
intensity [ɪnˈtɛnsɪti] 1. 名词 - 强烈; 激烈 - (光、声、热等的)强度 - (感情的)强烈程度 - 强烈的感受或体验牛津词典
intensity [ɪnˈtɛnsɪti] 1. 名词 - 强度; 强烈程度 - 强烈; 激烈 - 强烈的感受或体验 - (感情等的)强烈程度用法
- 加强性质的形容词:intense heat(剧烈的热);intense pressure(巨大的压力) - 强调某种感觉或经历的强烈程度:The intensity of the pain was unbearable.(疼痛的强烈程度令人无法忍受。) - 强度的测量单位:The intensity of the earthquake was measured on the Richter scale.(地震的强度是通过里氏震级来测量的。)例句
- The intensity of the storm caused widespread damage.(暴风雨的强烈程度造成了广泛的破坏。)
- She trained with intensity for months before the competition.(她在比赛前训练了几个月,非常专注。)
- The intensity of his gaze made her uncomfortable.(他的目光强烈让她感到不舒服。)
- The intensity of the sunlight made him squint.(阳光的强烈使他眯起了眼睛。)
- The intense heat made it difficult to breathe.(剧烈的热使得呼吸困难。)
- The intense pressure of the situation caused her to make a hasty decision.(形势的巨大压力使她做出了仓促的决定。)
- He looked at her with intense longing in his eyes.(他满含热切地注视着她。)
- The intense competition between the two teams made for an exciting game.(两队之间的激烈竞争使比赛充满了激情。)
- The intensity of her emotions overwhelmed her.(她情感的强烈使她不知所措。)
- The intensity of their love for each other was evident in their actions.(他们彼此之间的爱意在行动中表露无遗。)
- He turned up the volume to maximum intensity.(他把音量调到了最大。)
- The intensity of the movie kept the audience on the edge of their seats.(电影的紧张程度使观众屏息凝神。)
- The intensity of the colors in the painting was breathtaking.(绘画中的色彩强烈令人惊叹。)
- The intensity of her focus was evident in her concentration.(她专注的程度在她的专心致志中显而易见。)
- The intensity of his anger was frightening.(他的愤怒程度令人害怕。)
- The storm grew in intensity as the night went on.(暴风雨在夜晚逐渐加剧。)
- The intensity of the argument escalated quickly.(争论的激烈程度迅速升级。)
- She felt an intensity of emotion she had never experienced before.(她感受到一种前所未有的情感强烈。)
- The intensity of the experience left a lasting impression on him.(这次经历的强烈给他留下了深刻的印象。)
- He approached the task with great intensity and focus.(他以极大的热情和专注度来完成这项任务。)
- The intensity of their love for each other was evident in their actions.(他们彼此之间的爱意在行动中表露无遗。)