- 形容词:sympathetic(表示同情的)
- 名词:sympathy(表示同情、共鸣或理解)
sympathy 和 empathy(同理心)的区别在于,sympathy 偏重于感受他人的困境,而 empathy 则更强调能够理解并分享他人的感受。
- sympathize:表示“表示同情”
- sympathizer:表示“同情者”
- sympathetically:表示“同情地”
- sympathetic:表示“有同情心的”
compassion, empathy, understanding, condolence
indifference, apathy
sympathy (noun):
- When you feel sympathy for someone, you are sorry for them when something unpleasant has happened to them.
- Sympathy is a feeling of support for someone who is in trouble or is sad.
- Sympathy is a kind of relationship between people who are or feel themselves to be together or alike in some way.
sympathetic (adjective):
- If you are sympathetic to someone who is in a bad situation, you are kind to them and show that you understand their feelings.
- Sympathetic means relating to or resulting from sympathy.
sympathy (noun):
- Feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
- Understanding between people; common feeling.
- Agreement with or support for an opinion or position.
sympathetic (adjective):
- Feeling, showing, or expressing sympathy.
- Showing approval of or favour towards an idea or action.
1. I have sympathy for the victims of the natural disaster.
2. She expressed her sympathy to the grieving family.
3. They share a strong sympathy for social justice.
4. He is sympathetic to her situation and wants to help.
5. The teacher's sympathetic response made the student feel understood.
- I have sympathy for those who have lost their jobs due to the economic downturn.(我对那些因经济衰退失去工作的人表示同情。)
- She expressed her sympathy for the victims of the earthquake.(她对地震的受害者表示同情。)
- They share a strong sympathy for environmental causes.(他们对环境事业有强烈的共鸣。)
- He is sympathetic to her struggles and wants to offer support.(他对她的困境表示同情,并希望提供支持。)
- The doctor's sympathetic manner put the patient at ease.(医生同情的态度让患者感到放心。)
- I can't help but feel sympathetic towards her situation.(我禁不住对她的处境表示同情。)
- Thank you for your sympathy and support during this difficult time.(感谢你在这个困难时期的同情和支持。)
- Her sympathy for animals motivated her to become a vegetarian.(她对动物的同情心促使她成为了一名素食主义者。)
- He expressed sympathy with the protesters' cause.(他对抗议者的事业表示同情。)
- The company received sympathy from the public after the scandal.(公司在丑闻曝光后受到了公众的同情。)
- I'm sympathetic to the idea, but I'm not sure if it's feasible.(我对这个想法表示同意,但我不确定它是否可行。)
- The judge was sympathetic to the defendant's circumstances and gave a lenient sentence.(法官对被告的情况表示同情,判了一个宽大的刑罚。)
- Her sympathetic nature attracted many friends.(她有着同情心的天性吸引了很多朋友。)
- He is a sympathetic listener who always offers a comforting ear.(他是一个善解人意的倾听者,总是能提供安慰的倾听。)
- The politician's sympathetic stance on social issues resonated with the voters.(政治家对社会问题的同情立场引起了选民的共鸣。)
- She gave a sympathetic smile to show she understood.(她给了一个同情的微笑,表示她理解。)
- The book provides a sympathetic portrayal of the main character's struggles.(这本书对主人公的困境作了一种同情的描绘。)
- Despite their differences, they found sympathy in each other's experiences.(尽管彼此不同,但他们在彼此的经历中找到了共鸣。)
- He showed sympathy towards his friend's loss by offering a shoulder to lean on.(他通过提供一个可以依靠的肩膀来表达对朋友损失的同情。)
- The doctor's sympathy and understanding made the patient feel heard.(医生的同情和理解让患者感到被倾听到了。)
- She expressed sympathy for the difficulties he faced in his career.(她对他在事业上面临的困难表示同情。)