1. African [adjective]
英文:relating to Africa or its people
- I have always been fascinated by African culture.(我一直对非洲文化很着迷。)
- She is an expert in African history.(她是非洲历史的专家。)
1. African [noun]
英文:a person from Africa; a language spoken in Africa
- Many Africans migrate to other countries in search of better opportunities.(许多非洲人为了寻找更好的机会移居到其他国家。)
- Swahili is an African language spoken in East Africa.(斯瓦希里语是东非地区使用的非洲语言。)
African vs. Afro
中文:非洲的 vs. 非洲裔的
英文:African refers to something or someone relating to the continent of Africa, while Afro refers to something or someone relating to people of African descent who are living outside of Africa.
- The African continent is known for its rich natural resources.(非洲大陆以其丰富的自然资源而闻名。)
- She is proud of her Afro heritage.(她为自己非洲裔的身份感到自豪。)
1. Africanist [noun]
英文:a person who specializes in the study of Africa
- The conference brought together Africanists from around the world to discuss current issues in African politics.(这次会议汇集了来自世界各地的非洲研究者,讨论非洲政治的当前问题。)
2. Africanism [noun]
英文:a feature or characteristic that is typically African
- The painting captures the essence of Africanism through its vibrant colors and traditional motifs.(这幅画通过鲜艳的色彩和传统的图案捕捉到了非洲特色的精髓。)
African [adjective]
英文:relating to Africa or its people
Afric [adjective]
英文:relating to Africa
Afro [adjective]
英文:relating to Africa or people of African descent
Black [adjective]
英文:relating to people of African descent; dark in color
Sub-Saharan [adjective]
英文:relating to the region of Africa located south of the Sahara Desert
Pan-African [adjective]
英文:relating to all of Africa; involving or promoting unity among African countries
Non-African [adjective]
英文:relating to something or someone that is not African
African [noun & adjective]
1. relating to Africa or its people
Example: They are celebrating African culture through music and dance.
Translation: 他们通过音乐和舞蹈来庆祝非洲文化。
2. a person from Africa
Example: The conference brought together Africans from various countries.
Translation: 这次会议汇集了来自不同国家的非洲人。
African [noun & adjective]
1. relating to Africa or its people
Example: She is studying the history of African art.
Translation: 她正在研究非洲艺术的历史。
2. a person from Africa
Example: Many Africans have migrated to Europe in recent years.
Translation: 近年来,许多非洲人已经移民到了欧洲。
1. 形容词用法:
- It is important to promote African culture and heritage.(重要的是要推广非洲文化和遗产。)
- The African continent is home to diverse wildlife.(非洲大陆是多样化野生动植物的家园。)
- She is an expert in African history.(她是非洲历史的专家。)
2. 名词用法:
- Many Africans migrate to other countries in search of better opportunities.(许多非洲人为了寻找更好的机会移居到其他国家。)
- Swahili is an African language spoken in East Africa.(斯瓦希里语是东非地区使用的非洲语言。)
- They are celebrating African culture through music and dance.(他们通过音乐和舞蹈来庆祝非洲文化。)
- The conference brought together Africans from various countries.(这次会议汇集了来自不同国家的非洲人。)
- She is studying the history of African art.(她正在研究非洲艺术的历史。)
- Many Africans have migrated to Europe in recent years.(近年来,许多非洲人已经移民到了欧洲。)
- The African continent is home to diverse wildlife.(非洲大陆是多样化野生动植物的家园。)
- It is important to promote African culture and heritage.(重要的是要推广非洲文化和遗产。)
- She is an expert in African history.(她是非洲历史的专家。)
- Swahili is an African language spoken in East Africa.(斯瓦希里语是东非地区使用的非洲语言。)
- Many Africans migrate to other countries in search of better opportunities.(许多非洲人为了寻找更好的机会移居到其他国家。)
- He is proud of his African heritage.(他为自己的非洲血统感到自豪。)
- She is wearing traditional African clothing.(她穿着传统的非洲服装。)
- They are planning a trip to explore African wildlife.(他们计划去探索非洲的野生动物。)
- The African economy has been growing steadily in recent years.(非洲经济近年来稳步增长。)
- He is learning to play the djembe, an African drum.(他正在学习演奏非洲鼓“吉姆贝”。)
- She enjoys listening to African music.(她喜欢听非洲音乐。)
- The African diaspora refers to the communities of African descent living outside of Africa.(非洲散居地是指非洲裔在非洲以外的地方居住的社区。)
- The African Union was established to promote unity among African countries.(非洲联盟成立旨在促进非洲国家之间的团结。)
- He is an Africanist and has dedicated his career to studying African cultures.(他是非洲研究者,将自己的职业生涯致力于研究非洲文化。)
- The movie explores the struggles faced by Africans during colonial times.(这部电影探讨了非洲人在殖民时期面临的挣扎。)
- She is passionate about promoting African literature.(她热衷于推广非洲文学。)
- They are participating in an African dance workshop.(他们正在参加非洲舞蹈研习班。)