- 形容词:
- relieve (adj.) - 轻松的,宽慰的
- relieved (adj.) - 宽慰的,放心的
- relieving (adj.) - 舒缓的,减轻的
- 名词:
- relief (n.) - 宽慰,解脱
- reliever (n.) - 援救者,减轻痛苦的人
- relief (n.) - 救济,帮助
- relieve vs. alleviate:
- relieve (v.) - 减轻,缓解(痛苦、困境等)
- alleviate (v.) - 缓解,减轻(痛苦、不适等)
- relieve强调通过提供援助或减轻痛苦来解除负担,而alleviate强调通过减轻症状或不适来缓解痛苦。
- unrelieved (adj.) - 未减轻的,持续的
- reliever (n.) - 救济品,解除物
- relievable (adj.) - 可减轻的,可缓解的
- ease (v.) - 缓解,减轻
- alleviate (v.) - 缓解,减轻
- mitigate (v.) - 缓和,减轻
- aggravate (v.) - 加重,恶化
- worsen (v.) - 恶化,加剧
- exacerbate (v.) - 使恶化,加重
relieve (verb)
1. If something relieves an unpleasant feeling or situation, it makes it less unpleasant or causes it to disappear completely.
2. If something relieves pain, suffering, or anxiety, it makes people feel better or happier.
reliever (noun)
1. A reliever is a person or thing that takes the place of someone or something else, especially temporarily.
2. In baseball or softball, a reliever is a pitcher who replaces the starting pitcher during a game.
relieve (verb)
1. Cause (pain, distress, or difficulty) to become less severe or serious.
2. Assist (someone) by taking over their duties.
relief (noun)
1. A feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress.
2. The action of reducing or removing something causing pain or discomfort.
- relieve sb. of sth. - 解除某人的负担
- relieve oneself - 上厕所
- relieve pressure - 减轻压力
- relieve stress - 缓解压力
- relieve boredom - 消除无聊
- relieve pain - 缓解疼痛
- relieve anxiety - 减轻焦虑
- I was relieved to hear that she arrived home safely. (我松了一口气听到她安全到家。)
- The medication should help relieve the pain. (这种药物应该有助于缓解疼痛。)
- The new manager will relieve him of some of his responsibilities. (新经理将解除他部分的责任。)
- He felt a sense of relief after finishing the difficult project. (完成这个困难的项目后,他感到一阵宽慰。)
- She used meditation to relieve stress. (她用冥想来缓解压力。)
- The doctor prescribed painkillers to relieve the patient's discomfort. (医生开了止痛药来缓解病人的不适。)
- The charity organization provides relief for those in need. (这个慈善组织为有需要的人提供救济。)
- The reliever came in to pitch in the seventh inning. (替补投手在第七局登场投球。)
- I need to relieve myself, is there a restroom nearby? (我需要上厕所,附近有洗手间吗?)
- Music can relieve boredom during a long journey. (音乐可以在长途旅行中消除无聊。)
- Massaging the muscles can help relieve tension. (按摩肌肉可以帮助缓解紧张。)
- The rain relieved the drought-stricken region. (雨水缓解了干旱地区的情况。)
- She took a deep breath to relieve her anxiety. (她深吸一口气以减轻焦虑。)
- The relief on their faces was evident when they found their lost dog. (当他们找到失踪的狗时,他们脸上的宽慰之情显而易见。)
- The medicine should provide some relief from the symptoms. (这种药物应该可以缓解症状。)
- The firefighters worked tirelessly to bring relief to the victims of the fire. (消防队员不知疲倦地工作,为火灾的受害者提供救援。)
- He was relieved of his duties after the mistake was discovered. (在错误被发现后,他被免除了职务。)
- The pressure was relieved when the project was completed on time. (项目按时完成后,压力得到了缓解。)
- Relieving pain is the main goal of this new medication. (减轻疼痛是这种新药物的主要目标。)
- The government pledged to provide financial relief to those affected by the natural disaster. (政府承诺为受自然灾害影响的人提供财政救济。)