Remainder - 中英词典
- 剩余部分;残余
- (数学)余数
- (复数)剩余物;尾货
- 剩余的;其余的
remainder 与 rest 的区别:
remainder 表示一个整体中剩余的部分,而 rest 表示一个整体中剩余的部分或未被提及的一部分。
remainder 的近义词:
- rest
- remainder part
- balance
- residue
remainder 的反义词:
- whole
- total
- The remainder of something is the part of it that remains after the other parts have gone, been used, or been taken away.
- A remainder is a number that is left over after you have subtracted one number from another.
- The remainder of a person or thing is the part of them that still exists after the other parts have gone or been destroyed.
- The part that is left after the main part has gone or been taken or used.
- A remaining quantity or number.
- A book that is unsold or is still available after the rest has been sold.
以下是remainder 的一些常见用法:
- She ate half of the pizza and gave me the remainder.
- After dividing 25 by 7, the remainder is 4.
- The old building has been demolished, but a small part of it still remains.
- After finishing his meal, he left the remainder of the food on the plate.(吃完饭后,他把剩下的食物留在了盘子上。)
- The shop is selling off the remainder of last season's stock.(商店正在以低价销售上一季的尾货。)
- The teacher distributed the candies and gave the remainder to the last student.(老师分发了糖果,并把剩下的给了最后一个学生。)
- After paying all the bills, there was only a small remainder of money left in his wallet.(支付了所有的账单后,他的钱包里只剩下一点点钱了。)
- The remainder of the day was spent relaxing on the beach.(剩下的一天时间都在海滩上放松。)
- He divided the cake into equal pieces and took a slice, leaving the remainder for others.(他把蛋糕切成了等份,自己拿了一块,将剩下的留给了其他人。)
- She sold most of her old clothes, but a few items remain.(她把大部分旧衣服都卖掉了,但还有几件剩下。)
- The remainder of the team arrived late due to a delayed flight.(由于航班延误,队伍的其他成员晚到了。)
- He finished his exam early and spent the remainder of the time reviewing his answers.(他很早就完成了考试,然后用剩下的时间复习答案。)
- They sold all the books except for a few remainder copies.(他们卖掉了所有的书,只留下了几本尾货。)
- After a long day of hiking, only a small remainder of energy was left in their bodies.(经过一整天的徒步旅行,他们的体力只剩下一点点了。)
- She donated most of her clothes to charity and kept only a remainder for herself.(她把大部分衣服都捐给了慈善机构,只留下一些给自己。)
- They divided the money equally among themselves and split the remainder with their parents.(他们平分了这笔钱,并与父母分享了剩下的部分。)
- The remainder of the cake was delicious, so I couldn't resist having another slice.(蛋糕剩下的部分很好吃,所以我忍不住又吃了一块。)
- After finishing the marathon, only a few runners remained on the track.(完成马拉松比赛后,只剩下几名选手留在赛道上。)
- She bought a new dress and used the remainder of her money to buy accessories.(她买了一件新裙子,用剩下的钱买了配饰。)
- He ate the main course but left the remainder of the meal untouched.(他吃了主菜,但没有碰剩下的饭菜。)
- The remainder of the document was classified and could only be accessed by authorized personnel.(文件的剩余部分是机密的,只有授权人员可以访问。)
- She solved the math problem quickly and wrote down the remainder.(她迅速解出了这道数学题,并写下了余数。)
- After the storm, only a few scattered branches remained in the garden.(暴风雨过后,花园里只剩下几根零散的树枝。)
- The remainder of the concert was canceled due to bad weather.(由于天气不好,音乐会的剩余部分被取消了。)