elan (名词): 1. 热情,活力,激情 (enthusiasm, energy, spirit) 2. 风度,优雅 (style, elegance) elan (形容词): 1. 充满活力的,热情洋溢的 (vibrant, enthusiastic) 2. 优雅的,风度翩翩的 (elegant, stylish)词语辨析
- elan vs enthusiasm (热情): - elan 侧重于热情的表达和展示,通常与活力、精神和风度等连用。 - enthusiasm 更广泛地表示对某事物的兴趣和热情。 - elan vs elegance (优雅): - elan 指的是表现出来的优雅和风度,通常与热情、活力等连用。 - elegance 侧重于外在的优雅和高尚。词汇扩充
- elanless (形容词): 缺乏热情的,缺乏活力的近义词
- enthusiasm (热情) - vitality (活力) - zeal (热忱) - passion (激情) - verve (热情)反义词
- apathy (冷漠) - lethargy (无精打采) - indifference (漠不关心) - listlessness (倦怠)柯林斯词典对elan的解释
elan (名词): 1. 热情洋溢,活力四溢牛津词典对elan的解释
elan (名词): 1. 热情洋溢,活力四溢用法
- He performed with great elan. (他表演得非常热情洋溢。) - The dancers moved with elan and grace. (舞者们优雅而富有活力地移动。) - She lacks elan in her performance. (她在表演中缺乏热情。)相关的例句
- With his usual élan, he swept her into his arms and kissed her passionately. (他以他一贯的热情把她拥入怀中并热情地吻了她。)
- The team played with great élan and won the championship. (这支队伍表现出极大的热情,并赢得了冠军。)
- She danced with such élan that the audience couldn't take their eyes off her. (她舞蹈时如此热情洋溢,观众们都无法将目光从她身上移开。)
- His performance lacked élan and failed to impress the judges. (他的表演缺乏热情,未能给评委留下深刻印象。)
- He spoke with élan and captivated the audience. (他以热情洋溢的语言讲话,吸引了观众的注意。)
- Her elegance and élan made her the center of attention at the party. (她的优雅和风度使她成为派对上的焦点。)
- The actress's élan on stage charmed the audience. (女演员在舞台上展现的风度迷倒了观众。)
- He carried himself with élan, exuding confidence and charm. (他的风度翩翩,散发着自信和魅力。)
- The painting captures the élan and vibrancy of city life. (这幅画捕捉到了都市生活的活力和热情。)
- The team played with élan, displaying their passion for the sport. (这支队伍热情洋溢地比赛,展现了他们对该运动的热爱。)
- Her performance lacked élan and failed to impress the audience. (她的表演缺乏热情,未能给观众留下深刻印象。)
- The dancers' graceful movements and élan mesmerized the audience. (舞者们优美的动作和风度翩翩的表演使观众陶醉其中。)
- He spoke with élan, captivating everyone in the room. (他以热情洋溢的口吻讲话,迷住了房间里的每个人。)
- The novel is filled with élan, capturing the spirit of the time. (这本小说充满了热情洋溢,捕捉到了那个时代的精神。)
- Despite the setbacks, she faced the challenge with élan and determination. (尽管遇到了挫折,她还是用热情和决心面对了挑战。)
- His performance lacked élan and failed to engage the audience. (他的表演缺乏热情,未能吸引观众。)
- The team played with élan, demonstrating their skill and passion for the game. (这支队伍表现出极大的热情,展示了他们对比赛的技巧和热爱。)
- She danced with élan, captivating everyone in the room. (她舞蹈时热情洋溢,迷住了房间里的每个人。)
- The actor's élan and charisma made him a star. (演员的风度翩翩和个人魅力使他成为了一颗明星。)
- The painting captures the élan and vibrancy of the artist's spirit. (这幅画捕捉到了艺术家精神的活力和热情。)
- She spoke with élan, captivating the audience with her enthusiasm. (她以热情洋溢的语言讲话,用她的热情迷住了观众。)