1. 投票的(relating to voting or the process of voting)
2. 决定性的(decisive)
1. 选举(an act or process of choosing a person for a position by voting)
2. 表决(a formal expression of opinion or choice, either positive or negative, made by an individual or a body of individuals)
3. 选票(a formalized choice used to indicate a selection in an election)
4. 选民(a person who has the right to vote in an election)
5. 得票数(the number of votes received by a candidate or option)
1. vote vs ballot:
- vote强调投票行为本身,可以指代选民行使选举权的行为。
- ballot指的是一种正式的、机密的、书面的选票,用于在选举中投票。
- voter: 选民
- voting booth: 投票亭
- voting system: 选举制度
- voting rights: 选举权
ballot, poll, election, referendum
abstain, boycott, reject
1. 名词
2. 动词
1. 名词
2. 动词
1. vote for/against someone/something
2. vote on something
3. vote in favor of someone/something
4. vote by (show of hands, secret ballot, etc.)
5. cast a vote
6. get/vote someone into power/office
7. win/attract/get the most votes
1. All citizens over 18 years old have the right to vote in the election.(所有18岁以上的公民都有选举权。)
2. The vote was in favor of the new proposal.(投票结果赞成新提案。)
3. The candidate won the election with a majority of votes.(该候选人以绝对多数的选票赢得了选举。)
4. The voting booth provides privacy for voters.(投票亭为选民提供隐私。)
5. The new voting system aims to improve transparency.(新的选举制度旨在提高透明度。)
6. The government promised to protect the voting rights of all citizens.(政府承诺保护所有公民的选举权。)
7. The ballot allows voters to indicate their choice in an election.(选票允许选民在选举中表明他们的选择。)
8. Many people abstained from voting in protest.(许多人因抗议而弃权不投票。)
9. The members of the committee will vote on the proposed changes.(委员会成员将对提议的修改进行表决。)
10. The school decided to reject the proposal in a vote.(学校决定在投票中否决该提议。)
11. The party is urging its supporters to cast a vote in the upcoming election.(该党敦促其支持者在即将到来的选举中投票。)
12. The citizens voted the candidate into office with high hopes.(公民们满怀希望地选举了这位候选人,使其上任。)
13. The proposal won the most votes and was accepted.(该提案获得最多选票并被接受。)
14. The committee members voted in favor of the new policy.(委员会成员赞成新政策。)
15. The shareholders held a vote to decide on the proposed merger.(股东们进行了一次投票,决定是否同意提议的合并。)
16. The vote was too close to call, and a recount was necessary.(选票过于接近,需要重新计算。)
17. The candidate promised to fight for the voting rights of marginalized communities.(该候选人承诺为边缘社区的选举权而奋斗。)
18. The proposal was put to a vote and was approved unanimously.(提案经过投票并获得全票通过。)
19. The mayor was voted into power by a majority of the citizens.(市长以绝大多数市民的选票上台执政。)
20. The students will vote by show of hands to elect their class representative.(学生们将通过举手投票选举班级代表。)