1. 清洁的 - 英文解释:free from dirt, marks, or stains - 例句: 1. She always keeps her house cleaner than anyone else.(她的房子总是比其他人的干净。) 2. The cleaner the kitchen, the less chance of attracting pests.(厨房越干净,吸引害虫的机会就越小。)名词
1. 清洁工 - 英文解释:a person employed to clean the interior of a building - 例句: 1. The cleaner comes to our office every evening.(每天晚上清洁工来我们办公室。) 2. She has worked as a cleaner for five years.(她已经当了五年的清洁工。) 2. 清洁剂 - 英文解释:a substance used for cleaning, especially in the form of a liquid or powder - 例句: 1. This cleaner is effective in removing tough stains.(这种清洁剂能有效去除顽固污渍。) 2. Make sure to use a glass cleaner for the windows.(使用玻璃清洁剂清洗窗户。)词语辨析
- cleaner vs. janitor: - 清洁工 vs. 看门人 - 清洁工用于指负责清洁工作的人,而看门人主要负责看守和维护建筑物。 - cleaner vs. cleanser: - 清洁剂 vs. 清洁剂 - 两者都指用于清洁的物质,但cleaner通常指液体或粉末形式的清洁剂,cleanser则可以指液体、粉末或膏状的清洁剂。词汇扩充
- 清洁(动词):clean - 清洁度(名词):cleanliness - 清洁设备(名词):cleaning equipment - 清洁工作(名词):cleaning job近义词
- janitor:看门人,看守员 - housekeeper:家政,家庭主妇 - custodian:看管人,保管员反义词
- dirty:脏的,肮脏的 - messy:凌乱的,杂乱的柯林斯词典解释
1. 清洁工 - 英文解释:A cleaner is a person whose job is to clean houses, offices, or public places. - 例句: 1. The cleaner comes in twice a week to do the housework.(清洁工每周来两次做家务。) 2. I employed a cleaner to come in and clean the house.(我雇了一个清洁工来打扫房子。)牛津词典解释
1. 清洁工 - 英文解释:A person employed to clean the interior of a building. - 例句: 1. The cleaner comes every morning to vacuum the offices.(清洁工每天早上来吸尘办公室。) 2. The cleaner is responsible for keeping the workplace tidy.(清洁工负责保持工作场所整洁。)用法
- 当cleaner作为名词时,通常指的是清洁工或清洁剂。 - 当cleaner作为形容词时,表示“清洁的”。 - cleaner可用于描述人、地方或物品的清洁情况。中英双语例句
- She always keeps her house cleaner than anyone else.(她的房子总是比其他人的干净。)
- The cleaner the kitchen, the less chance of attracting pests.(厨房越干净,吸引害虫的机会就越小。)
- The cleaner comes to our office every evening.(每天晚上清洁工来我们办公室。)
- She has worked as a cleaner for five years.(她已经当了五年的清洁工。)
- This cleaner is effective in removing tough stains.(这种清洁剂能有效去除顽固污渍。)
- Make sure to use a glass cleaner for the windows.(使用玻璃清洁剂清洗窗户。)
- The cleaner comes in twice a week to do the housework.(清洁工每周来两次做家务。)
- I employed a cleaner to come in and clean the house.(我雇了一个清洁工来打扫房子。)
- The cleaner comes every morning to vacuum the offices.(清洁工每天早上来吸尘办公室。)
- The cleaner is responsible for keeping the workplace tidy.(清洁工负责保持工作场所整洁。)
- He used a cleaner to remove the dirt from his shoes.(他用清洁剂清除了鞋子上的污垢。)
- The hotel provides complimentary shoe cleaners for guests.(酒店为客人提供免费的鞋清洁剂。)
- She works as a cleaner in a hospital, ensuring hygiene standards are met.(她在医院工作,确保卫生标准得到满足。)
- My mom hired a cleaner to help with the spring cleaning.(我妈妈雇了一个清洁工来帮助春季大扫除。)
- Wearing gloves is recommended when using strong chemical cleaners.(使用强化学清洁剂时建议戴手套。)
- I need to buy some cleaners for the bathroom.(我需要给浴室买一些清洁剂。)
- He is known for his attention to detail and his reputation as a top-notch cleaner.(他以注重细节和作为顶级清洁工的声誉而闻名。)
- The cleaner the clothes, the better they will look.(衣服越干净,看起来越好。)
- She used a carpet cleaner to remove the stains from the rug.(她用地毯清洁剂清除了地毯上的污渍。)
- The office cleaner arrived early to start their shift.(办公室清洁工早早到来开始他们的工作。)
- He earns a living as a cleaner in a shopping mall.(他在一家购物中心当清洁工谋生。)