embedded /ɪmˈbɛdɪd/ (adj.) 1. 在嵌入式系统中的;嵌入的 - The software runs on embedded systems. - 这个软件在嵌入式系统上运行。 2. 嵌入的;嵌入式的 - The video player is embedded in the website. - 视频播放器嵌入在网站中。 3. 深入的;根深蒂固的 - The traditions are deeply embedded in their culture. - 这些传统根深蒂固地融入了他们的文化。名词
embedding /ɪmˈbɛdɪŋ/ (n.) 1. 嵌入;嵌入式 - The embedding of the image in the document was successful. - 图像在文档中的嵌入成功了。 2. 嵌入物;嵌入体 - The embedding of the diamond in the ring is exquisite. - 钻石在戒指上的嵌入非常精美。词语辨析
- embed与imbed的拼写和发音相同,但imbed在现代英语中已不常用。词汇扩充
- re-embed /riːˈɛmbɛd/ (v.) 再次嵌入 - pre-embed /priːˈɛmbɛd/ (v.) 预先嵌入近义词
- implant (v.) 植入 - insert (v.) 插入 - fix (v.) 固定 - lodge (v.) 嵌入 - engraft (v.) 移植反义词
- extract (v.) 取出 - remove (v.) 移除 - detach (v.) 分离 - extract (n.) 提取物 - removal (n.) 移除柯林斯词典
- embed (verb) 1. If an object embeds itself in a substance or thing, it becomes fixed there firmly and deeply. 2. If you embed an object in something, you fix it firmly and deeply into another substance or thing. 3. If an attitude, feeling, or situation is embedded in a society or system, it is a very important or typical part of it. 4. If something is embedded in a place or object, it is fixed there firmly and deeply. - embedded (adjective) 1. An embedded object or particle is one that is firmly and deeply fixed in a substance or thing. 2. An embedded system is a computer system that is part of a larger system and does a particular task. - embedding (noun) 1. The embedding of an object in something is the act of fixing it firmly and deeply into another substance or thing. 2. The embedding of a system in a larger system is the act of making it a part of the larger system. - embedment (noun)牛津词典
- embed (verb) 1. Fix (an object) firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass. 2. Attach (a journalist) to a military unit during a conflict. 3. Include (a code or other data) as part of a program. 4. Deposit (a journalist) within a military unit during a conflict. - embedded (adjective) 1. Fixed firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass. 2. (of journalism) Associated with a military unit during a conflict. - embedding (noun) 1. The action of fixing an object firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass. 2. The action of including a code or other data as part of a program. - embedment (noun)用法
- You can embed images in a document. - 你可以在文档中嵌入图片。 - The journalist was embedded with the troops in the war zone. - 那位记者被派驻在战区与部队同行。 - The code needs to be embedded in the website's HTML. - 这段代码需要嵌入到网站的HTML中。例句
- She embedded the key in the wax. (她将钥匙嵌入蜡中。)
- The statue was embedded in the marble. (这座雕像嵌入在大理石中。)
- His experiences are deeply embedded in his memory. (他的经历深深地烙印在他的记忆中。)
- The documentary embeds the viewer in the lives of the subjects. (这部纪录片让观众深入了解了被拍摄对象的生活。)
- The journalist was embedded with the soldiers during the war. (那位记者在战争期间与士兵同行。)
- The video player is embedded on the website's homepage. (视频播放器嵌入在网站的主页上。)
- The diamond is perfectly embedded in the ring. (钻石完美地嵌入了戒指。)
- The software is embedded in the device's firmware. (软件被嵌入到设备的固件中。)
- The traditions are deeply embedded in their culture. (这些传统根深蒂固地融入了他们的文化。)
- The embedding of the video caused the webpage to load slowly. (视频的嵌入导致网页加载缓慢。)
- The embedding of the image in the document was successful. (图像在文档中的嵌入成功了。)
- The embedding of the system into the larger framework was seamless. (系统在较大框架中的嵌入是无缝的。)
- The algorithm allows for the embedding of various data types. (该算法允许嵌入各种数据类型。)
- The journalist was embedded with the military for six months. (那位记者与军队同行了六个月。)
- He embedded himself in the local community. (他融入了当地社区。)
- The virus embedded itself in the computer's operating system. (病毒嵌入到了计算机的操作系统中。)
- Please embed the video at the top of the webpage. (请将视频嵌入到网页的顶部。)
- In the painting, the artist embedded secret symbols. (在画作中,艺术家嵌入了秘密符号。)
- The code needs to be embedded in the website's HTML. (这段代码需要嵌入到网站的HTML中。)
- He embedded himself in the enemy territory. (他潜伏在敌区。)