1. 本土的;土生土长的 2. 天生的;与生俱来的 3. 原产地的;本地的 4. 母语的;以本国语言为母语的名词
1. 本地人;土著 2. 外来物种的本地种群 3. 母语;本国语 4. (计算机科学) 原生程序;(计算机科学) 本机程序词语辨析
native, indigenous 和 aboriginal 这三个形容词都可以用来描述“本土的”或“土生土长的”。它们在意义上有些微的差异,native 通常指的是出生在某地的人或物,而 indigenous 更强调特定地区的原住民或特定物种的原产地。此外,aboriginal 多指某地区或国家的土著居民。词汇扩充
1. native language - 母语 2. native country - 祖国 3. native culture - 本土文化 4. native land - 故土 5. native speaker - 以本国语为母语的人近义词
indigenous, aboriginal, local, original, autochthonous反义词
foreign, non-native, alien柯林斯词典
1. ADJ Someone who is native to a particular country or area was born there.
2. ADJ You use native to describe things that belong to the place you are talking about, or that were produced there.
3. ADJ A native language or native speaker is the language that you learn to speak first, when you are a child.
4. N-COUNT A native is someone who was born in a particular place.
1. ADJECTIVE Belonging to a person because of their birth.
2. ADJECTIVE Relating to or describing the place where you were born.
3. ADJECTIVE Denoting the indigenous inhabitants of a place.
4. ADJECTIVE (of a plant or animal) indigenous rather than introduced.
5. NOUN A person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
1. My native language is Spanish. (名词)
2. The island is home to many native plants and animals. (形容词)
3. She was proud of her native country. (形容词)
4. The tribe's native language is in danger of extinction. (形容词)
- He is a native of Australia. 他是澳大利亚人。
- The panda is a native species of China. 大熊猫是中国的本土物种。
- English is his native tongue. 英语是他的母语。
- The Amazon rainforest is home to many native tribes. 亚马逊雨林是许多土著部落的家园。
- The native population has been greatly affected by colonization. 本地居民的生活受到了殖民的很大影响。
- She returned to her native village after years of living abroad. 她在国外生活多年后回到了她的故乡村庄。
- The native flora and fauna of the island are unique. 这个岛上的本土植物和动物是独特的。
- The children quickly acquired the language as native speakers. 孩子们很快以母语人的身份掌握了这门语言。
- He is a native New Yorker, born and raised in the city. 他是纽约土生土长的人,在这座城市出生并长大。
- The native customs and traditions are deeply rooted in the culture. 本土的风俗和传统深深扎根于文化之中。
- The explorers encountered a tribe of natives living in the jungle. 探险家们遇到了住在丛林里的一支土著部落。
- He has a strong attachment to his native land. 他对故土有着强烈的感情。
- She is proud of her native language and works to promote it. 她为自己的母语感到自豪,并致力于推广它。
- The native wildlife of the area includes various species of birds and mammals. 这个地区的本地野生动植物包括各种鸟类和哺乳动物。
- He is considered a native expert on the subject due to his extensive knowledge. 由于他的广泛知识,他被认为是该领域的本地专家。
- She greeted us in her native language, making us feel welcome. 她用自己的母语问候我们,让我们感到受欢迎。
- The native population has a rich cultural heritage. 本地居民拥有丰富的文化遗产。
- The native species of plants have adapted to the local climate over thousands of years. 这些本地植物物种在数千年的时间里适应了当地的气候。
- As a native of the city, she knows all the best places to eat. 作为这座城市的本地人,她知道所有最好的吃饭地方。
- He spoke with a strong native accent, indicating his regional background. 他带着浓重的本地口音说话,显示出他的地区背景。
- The museum showcases the art and artifacts of the native people. 这个博物馆展示了土著人民的艺术和文物。
- She has a natural talent for languages and quickly becomes a native speaker. 她有语言天赋,很快就成为了母语人士。