1. 新奇的;新颖的
英文解释:the quality of being new, original, or unusual
- This shop sells novelty items that you won't find anywhere else. (这家店销售的新奇物品是其他地方找不到的。)
- The novelty of the new smartphone wore off after a few weeks. (新手机的新奇感在几周后消失了。)
1. 新奇;新颖
英文解释:the quality of being new, original, or unusual
- People are always attracted to novelty and tend to get bored quickly. (人们总是被新奇所吸引,而且很容易感到厌倦。)
- After the initial novelty, the excitement of the new job faded away. (最初的新奇感过去后,对新工作的兴奋感也消失了。)
2. 新奇的事物;新颖的东西
英文解释:something new, original, or unusual
- The toy store has a wide selection of novelty items. (这家玩具店有各种各样的新奇物品。)
- The novelty of the gadget wore off quickly, and now it's just sitting in a drawer. (这个小玩意儿的新奇感很快就消失了,现在只是放在抽屉里。)
novelty shop:新奇小店
novelty item:新奇物品
novelty gift:新奇礼品
innovation, originality, uniqueness, freshness
commonness, familiarity, routine
novelty (noun)
1. the quality of being new, original, or unusual
2. something new, original, or unusual
3. a small, often cheap, unusual item, such as a decoration
novelty (noun)
1. the quality of being new, original, or unusual
2. a new or unfamiliar thing or experience
3. a small, inexpensive toy or ornament
1. The novelty of the new gadget quickly wore off.
2. The novelty shop sells a variety of unique items.
3. The novelty of the situation made it exciting.
4. He enjoys collecting novelty items.
5. The novelty of their relationship has faded over time.
6. The novelty of the theme park attracted many visitors.
1. The novelty of the new gadget quickly wore off. (新设备的新奇感很快消失了。)
2. The novelty shop sells a variety of unique items. (新奇小店销售各种独特的物品。)
3. The novelty of the situation made it exciting. (情况的新奇使其变得令人兴奋。)
4. He enjoys collecting novelty items. (他喜欢收集新奇物品。)
5. The novelty of their relationship has faded over time. (他们的关系的新奇感随着时间的推移而消失了。)
6. The novelty of the theme park attracted many visitors. (主题公园的新奇吸引了许多游客。)
7. The novelty of the idea caught everyone's attention. (这个想法的新颖吸引了所有人的注意力。)
8. The novelty of the costume made her stand out at the party. (她的服装的新奇使她在派对上脱颖而出。)
9. The novelty of the game wore off after playing it a few times. (玩几次后,这个游戏的新奇感就消失了。)
10. The novelty of the experiment led to unexpected results. (实验的新奇导致了意想不到的结果。)
11. The novelty of the job wore off quickly when the routine set in. (工作中的新奇感在例行工作开始后很快消失了。)
12. The novelty of the city's architecture impressed the tourists. (这座城市建筑的新奇给游客留下了深刻的印象。)
13. The novelty of the restaurant's menu attracted food enthusiasts. (餐厅菜单的新颖吸引了美食爱好者。)
14. The novelty of the fashion trend soon faded away. (时尚潮流的新奇感很快消失了。)
15. The novelty of the art exhibition drew a large crowd. (艺术展览的新奇吸引了很多人。)
16. The novelty of the event created a buzz among the attendees. (活动的新奇在与会者中引起了轰动。)
17. The novelty of the design made the product stand out on the market. (设计的新颖使得产品在市场上脱颖而出。)
18. The novelty of the book's concept made it a bestseller. (这本书的新奇概念使其成为畅销书。)
19. The novelty of the performance impressed the audience. (表演的新奇给观众留下了深刻印象。)
20. The novelty of the travel destination attracted adventurous tourists. (旅游目的地的新奇吸引了爱冒险的游客。)