1. 年度的;一年一次的
- It's an annual event held in April.(这是一年一度在四月举办的活动。)
- The company holds an annual meeting every year.(公司每年举行一次年度会议。)
2. 一年生的
- These flowers are annual plants.(这些花是一年生植物。)
- Annual crops need to be replanted each year.(一年生作物每年都需要重新种植。)
1. 年度刊物;年鉴
- I subscribed to the annual of that magazine.(我订阅了那本杂志的年鉴。)
- The school publishes an annual with student artwork.(学校出版了一本带有学生艺术作品的年度刊物。)
2. 一年生植物
- Annuals are popular choices for gardeners due to their vibrant colors.(一年生植物因其鲜艳的颜色而受到园艺师的青睐。)
- She planted a variety of annuals in her flower bed.(她在花坛里种植了各种一年生植物。)
annual 和 yearly 均可用来表示“每年的”,但是在形容“年度的”时,annual 更常用;而在表示“一年一次的”时,两者可以互换使用。
- We hold an annual/yearly event to celebrate our company's anniversary.(我们每年都会举行一次庆祝公司周年纪念的活动。)
- They go on an annual/yearly vacation to the beach.(他们每年都去海滩度假一次。)
1. annual income:年收入
2. annual leave:年假
3. annual report:年度报告
4. annual subscription:年度订阅
yearly, perennial, recurrent
daily, monthly, weekly
1. 形容词
- Annual events, publications, or reports happen or are produced once every year.(年度活动、刊物或报告每年举行或出版一次。)
- It was the first time the annual event had taken place in London.(这是年度活动首次在伦敦举行。)
2. 名词
- An annual is a book or magazine that is published once a year.(年鉴是一本每年出版一次的书籍或杂志。)
- I wanted to get hold of a copy of last year's annual.(我想弄到去年的年鉴的一本。)
1. 形容词
- (of a plant) Living for a year or less, perpetuating itself by seed.((植物)一年生的,通过种子繁殖自身的。)
- The annual growth cycle of the plant is completed in a single season.(该植物的一年生长周期在一个季节内完成。)
2. 名词
- A book or magazine that is published once a year under the same title but with different contents.(一本每年以相同标题但内容不同的书籍或杂志。)
- I bought the latest annual of my favorite comic series.(我买了我最喜欢的连环画系列的最新年鉴。)
1. "annual" 作形容词时,可以修饰名词,表示“每年的”或“一年一次的”;作名词时,表示“年度刊物”或“一年生植物”。
2. "annual" 可以用作名词或形容词。
3. "annual" 还可以构成一些固定词组,如 "annual income"(年收入)、"annual leave"(年假)、"annual report"(年度报告)等。
- This is an annual event that takes place in my hometown.(这是我家乡每年一次的活动。)
- They publish an annual magazine featuring the best photographs of the year.(他们出版一本年鉴杂志,展示当年最好的照片。)
- Annual sales of the company reached a record high this year.(公司今年的年销售额达到了创纪录的高点。)
- I always look forward to the annual family reunion.(我总是期待着每年一度的家庭聚会。)
- The annual report provides a comprehensive overview of the company's financial performance.(年度报告全面介绍了公司的财务表现。)
- These flowers are annuals, so they will only bloom for one season.(这些花是一年生植物,所以只会开放一个季节。)
- She received an award for her contribution to the annual charity event.(她因为对年度慈善活动的贡献而获得了奖项。)
- We need to replant the annuals in the garden next spring.(明年春天我们需要重新种植花园里的一年生植物。)
- The annual subscription fee for the magazine is quite reasonable.(该杂志的年度订阅费用非常合理。)
- His annual income is higher than the average for his profession.(他的年收入高于同行业的平均水平。)
- Don't forget to apply for your annual leave before the end of the month.(别忘了在月底之前申请年假。)
- The school's annual concert showcases the talents of its students.(学校的年度音乐会展示了学生们的才华。)
- We decided to go on an annual family vacation to the beach.(我们决定每年带全家去海滩度假。)
- The annual growth of the company has been steady over the past few years.(公司的年增长在过去几年间一直保持稳定。)
- The annual meeting of shareholders will be held on September 15th.(股东年度会议将于9月15日举行。)
- He received a special award at the annual ceremony for his outstanding achievements.(他因为杰出的成就在年度典礼上获得了特别奖项。)
- Her annual performance review was positive, and she received a salary raise.(她的年度绩效评估结果良好,获得了加薪。)
- The annual exhibition features artwork from local artists.(该年度展览展示了本地艺术家的作品。)
- They organize an annual marathon to raise funds for charity.(他们每年都组织一次马拉松比赛筹集慈善资金。)
- The annual rainfall in this region is quite low.(该地区的年降雨量非常少。)
- The annual revenue of the company has been steadily increasing.(公司的年收入一直在稳步增长。)