1. 名词
1) 自信,信心
Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's abilities or qualities.
(柯林斯词典) Confidence is the feeling that you have when you believe in yourself and believe that you are capable of doing something.
(牛津词典) The feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something.
2) 信任,信赖
Confidence is the state of being trusted or relied on by someone.
(柯林斯词典) Confidence is the state of feeling certain about the truth of something.
(牛津词典) Trust or faith in a person or thing.
3) 秘密,机密
Confidence is a secret or private matter told to someone under the condition of trust.
(柯林斯词典) Confidential information.
(牛津词典) A secret or private matter told to someone under the condition of trust.
2. 形容词
Confidence as an adjective describes a person who is sure of their own abilities or qualities.
(柯林斯词典) If you are confident about something, you are certain that it will happen in the way you want it to.
(牛津词典) Feeling or showing certainty about something.
3. 词语辨析
confidence, assurance, self-assurance, self-confidence
confidence: 最常用词,指自己对自己能力或品质的确信。
assurance: 指对自己能力或品质的确信,含有一定庄重、正式的意味。
self-assurance: 指对自己能力或品质的确信,强调自信心的来源是自己内心的力量。
self-confidence: 指对自己能力或品质的确信,强调自信心是自己内在培养的。
1) He has the confidence to perform well in the interview.
2) She spoke with assurance and impressed the audience.
3) His self-assurance comes from years of experience.
4) Building self-confidence is important for personal growth.
4. 词汇扩充
confidence booster: 自信心提升物
A confidence booster is something that helps to improve one's self-assurance or belief in oneself.
1) Practicing public speaking has been a great confidence booster for him.
2) The compliments she received were a real confidence booster.
confidence level: 信心水平
Confidence level refers to the degree of certainty or trust one has in something.
1) The company's confidence level in the new product is high.
2) The poll results show a low confidence level among voters.
5. 近义词
assurance, self-assurance, self-confidence, poise, conviction, certainty
6. 反义词
doubt, insecurity, uncertainty, diffidence
7. 柯林斯词典
(1) 不可数名词
Confidence is the feeling you have when you believe in yourself and believe that you are capable of doing something.
(2) 不可数名词
Confidence is the feeling that you have when you are certain that something will happen in the way you want it to.
(3) 不可数名词
If you have confidence in someone, you feel that you can trust them.
(4) 不可数名词
Confidence is the fact of being certain or sure about something.
(5) 不可数名词
Confidence is a secret that you share with someone else, when you do not want anyone else to know about it.
(6) 不可数名词
A confidence is a secret that you share with someone else.
(7) 可数名词
Confidences are things that you tell someone that are secret or private.
8. 牛津词典
(1) 不可数名词
The feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something.
(2) 不可数名词
The state of feeling certain about the truth of something.
(3) 不可数名词
Trust or faith in a person or thing.
9. 用法
(1) have confidence in someone/something
1) I have confidence in his abilities to lead the team.
2) She has confidence in the company's future success.
(2) lack confidence in someone/something
1) The team lacks confidence in their coach's strategies.
2) He lacks confidence in his own decision-making abilities.
(3) gain/build confidence
1) Practice and preparation helped her gain confidence in her public speaking skills.
2) The supportive environment at school helped build his confidence.
(4) inspire confidence
1) Her calm demeanor and expertise inspired confidence in her clients.
2) The company's strong track record inspires confidence among investors.
10. 相关例句
- I have confidence in his ability to solve the problem. (我对他解决问题的能力有信心。)
- She lacks confidence in her own artistic skills. (她对自己的艺术技巧缺乏信心。)
- The team's confidence was boosted by their recent victory. (最近的胜利提升了团队的信心。)
- His confident manner impressed the interviewers. (他充满自信的态度给面试官留下了深刻印象。)
- She spoke with confidence and authority. (她以自信和权威的口吻说话。)
- Having confidence in yourself is key to success. (对自己有信心是成功的关键。)
- He confided in her and shared his deepest secrets. (他向她倾诉并分享了最深的秘密。)
- Confidential information should be handled with care. (机密信息应当小心处理。)
- She betrayed his confidence by revealing his secret. (她泄露了他的秘密,背叛了他的信任。)
- The CEO's resignation shook the confidence of the company's investors. (首席执行官的辞职动摇了公司投资者的信心。)
- I can say with confidence that we will succeed. (我可以有把握地说我们会成功。)
- His confidence in his team never wavered. (他对自己的团队始终充满信心。)
- The politician exudes confidence and charisma. (这位政治家散发出自信和魅力。)
- She radiates confidence and is not afraid to take risks. (她散发着自信,不惧怕冒险。)
- His overconfidence led to his downfall. (他的过于自信导致了他的失败。)
- He put his full confidence in her abilities. (他对她的能力充满了信心。)
- She lacks the confidence to speak up in meetings. (她没有信心在会议上发言。)
- The coach's pep talk boosted the team's confidence. (教练的鼓舞话语提振了球队的信心。)
- She has a quiet confidence that commands respect. (她拥有一种安静的自信,赢得了尊重。)
- He has been entrusted with confidential information. (他被托付了机密信息。)
- The team's confidence was shattered after their defeat. (球队在失败后信心土崩瓦解。)
- His unwavering confidence in his own abilities is admirable. (他对自己能力毫不动摇的信心令人钦佩。)