1. floating: 漂浮的;浮动的。
- The floating object was carried away by the river.
- 漂浮的物体被河水冲走了。
1. floater: 漂浮物;漂浮者。
- There were several floaters in the pond.
- 池塘里有几个漂浮物。
floaters 和 floating 都有“漂浮的”之意,但 floaters 是名词,指的是漂浮物,而 floating 是形容词,表示“漂浮的”。
floating object: 漂浮物体
floating debris: 漂浮的碎片
- buoy: 浮标
- drifter: 漂流者
- raft: 木筏
- bobber: 浮标
sinker: 沉没物
1. A floater is a person who changes from one place or situation to another without settling anywhere.
2. Floaters are small specks or threads that appear to float across your eye, especially when you look at a bright background such as a clear sky.
Floating is used to describe something which is not securely fixed in position and which you can move or be moved quite easily.
1. A small object that floats on the surface of a liquid.
2. A person who moves from one place to another without settling anywhere.
Moving gently on the surface of a liquid without sinking.
1. Floaters can be seen in your vision when there are small specks or threads that move across your eye.
2. Some people prefer floating candles in their decorative pools.
3. The floater drifted slowly down the river.
4. She is a floater who never stays in one place for long.
5. The floating debris was carried away by the current.
- The floaters in the soup were small pieces of vegetables.
- 汤中的浮渣是一些蔬菜碎片。
- She noticed some floaters in her vision and decided to see an eye doctor.
- 她注意到视线中有一些漂浮物,决定去看眼科医生。
- The floater on the lake enjoyed the peacefulness of the surroundings.
- 湖上的漂流者享受着周围的宁静。
- He has been a floater for years, never staying in one place for too long.
- 他多年来一直是个漂泊者,从未在一个地方停留太久。
- The floating debris from the shipwreck posed a risk to navigation.
- 沉船的漂浮碎片对航行构成了风险。
- The floating candles added a romantic touch to the evening.
- 漂浮的蜡烛给晚上增添了浪漫的气氛。
- The floater gently drifted along the calm river.
- 漂流者轻轻地顺着宁静的河流漂流。
- The doctor explained that floaters in the eye are usually harmless.
- 医生解释说眼睛中的漂浮物通常是无害的。
- She was hired as a floater to cover various positions within the company.
- 她被聘为临时工,负责公司内的各种职位。
- The floating object in the water turned out to be a toy boat.
- 水中的漂浮物原来是一艘玩具船。
- There were several floaters in the lake, including leaves and twigs.
- 湖中有几个浮渣,包括树叶和树枝。
- The floater enjoyed the freedom of not being tied down to a specific location.
- 漂泊者享受着没有被固定在特定地点的自由。
- The floating debris from the flood was collected and removed from the river.
- 洪水中的漂浮碎片被收集并从河流中清除。
- The floating candles created a beautiful and serene atmosphere in the room.
- 漂浮的蜡烛在房间里营造出美丽而宁静的氛围。