1. reserves
英文:kept for use in the future; held back or saved for future use
- He has some reserves of food in case of an emergency. (他有一些食物的储备,以备紧急情况。)
- They always keep reserves of fuel for the generator. (他们总是保留一些用于发电机的燃料备用。)
1. reserves
英文:a supply of something that is available to be used when needed
- The country has significant oil reserves. (这个国家有着可观的石油储备。)
- The company is running out of reserves to fund its operations. (该公司的储备用于资助其运营已经所剩无几。)
2. reserves
英文:a group of players who are available to play as substitutes if needed during a game
- The coach decided to bring in some players from the reserves. (教练决定从预备队中调入一些球员。)
- The team's reserves performed exceptionally well in the match. (球队的后备队在比赛中表现出色。)
1. reserves vs. resources
中文:储备 vs. 资源
英文:Reserves refer to the stored or saved amount of something, while resources refer to the available supply or stock of something.
- The country has significant oil reserves but limited natural resources. (这个国家有着可观的石油储备,但自然资源有限。)
- We need to manage our water resources effectively and conserve our reserves. (我们需要有效管理水资源并保护我们的储备。)
1. strategic reserves
英文:stockpiles of critical resources or commodities held by a country, organization, or individual to ensure their availability during times of crisis
- The government established strategic reserves of essential medical supplies. (政府建立了必要医疗用品的战略储备。)
- Many countries maintain strategic reserves of oil for national security reasons. (许多国家出于国家安全考虑,保持石油战略储备。)
2. foreign exchange reserves
英文:the foreign currencies held by a country's central bank or monetary authority, often used to stabilize the country's currency and economy
- The country's foreign exchange reserves have reached record levels. (该国的外汇储备达到了创纪录的水平。)
- The central bank is using its foreign exchange reserves to support the currency. (中央银行正在使用外汇储备来支持货币。)
1. stockpile
英文:a large supply or accumulation of something, often kept for future use or emergency situations
- The organization has a stockpile of food and water for disaster relief efforts. (该组织有一些用于灾难救援的食物和水的储备。)
- He has a stockpile of savings for his retirement. (他有一笔用于退休的积蓄。)
2. backup
英文:a substitute or alternative that can be used if the primary option fails or is unavailable
- Make sure you have a backup of your important files in case of computer failure. (确保你有计算机故障时重要文件的备份。)
- We need to have a backup plan in case the main power source fails. (我们需要有一个备用计划,以防主要电源失效。)
1. depletion
英文:the act or process of using up or reducing the quantity of something
- The depletion of natural resources is a global concern. (自然资源的消耗是全球关注的问题。)
- Overfishing has led to the depletion of certain fish species. (过度捕捞导致了某些鱼类的耗尽。)
reserves (名词)
1. 储备;储藏
2. 后备力量;替补队员
3. (英国)预备役部队
4. 自然保护区
reserves (形容词)
1. 保留的;备用的
2. 特指后备的
reserves (名词)
1. 储备物;储藏物
2. (尤指体育)后备队员,替补队员
3. 预备队队员
4. (英国)预备役军人
5. 自然保护区
reserves (形容词)
1. 保留的;备用的
2. 后备的
1. The government is tapping into its reserves to fund the new infrastructure project.
2. The company has significant reserves of cash to support its expansion plans.
3. The football team's reserves performed exceptionally well in the match.
4. She always keeps a reserve supply of medication in case of emergencies.
5. The national park is a designated reserve for the protection of endangered species.
1. 他有一些食物的储备,以备紧急情况。- He has some reserves of food in case of an emergency.
2. 他们总是保留一些用于发电机的燃料备用。- They always keep reserves of fuel for the generator.
3. 这个国家有着可观的石油储备。- The country has significant oil reserves.
4. 该公司的储备用于资助其运营已经所剩无几。- The company is running out of reserves to fund its operations.
5. 教练决定从预备队中调入一些球员。- The coach decided to bring in some players from the reserves.
6. 球队的后备队在比赛中表现出色。- The team's reserves performed exceptionally well in the match.
7. 这个国家有着可观的石油储备,但自然资源有限。- The country has significant oil reserves but limited natural resources.
8. 我们需要有效管理水资源并保护我们的储备。- We need to manage our water resources effectively and conserve our reserves.
9. 政府建立了必要医疗用品的战略储备。- The government established strategic reserves of essential medical supplies.
10. 许多国家出于国家安全考虑,保持石油战略储备。- Many countries maintain strategic reserves of oil for national security reasons.
11. 该组织有一些用于灾难救援的食物和水的储备。- The organization has a stockpile of food and water for disaster relief efforts.
12. 他有一笔用于退休的积蓄。- He has a stockpile of savings for his retirement.
13. 确保你有计算机故障时重要文件的备份。- Make sure you have a backup of your important files in case of computer failure.
14. 我们需要有一个备用计划,以防主要电源失效。- We need to have a backup plan in case the main power source fails.
15. 自然资源的消耗是全球关注的问题。- The depletion of natural resources is a global concern.
16. 过度捕捞导致了某些鱼类的耗尽。- Overfishing has led to the depletion of certain fish species.
17. The government is tapping into its reserves to fund the new infrastructure project.
18. The company has significant reserves of cash to support its expansion plans.
19. The football team's reserves performed exceptionally well in the match.
20. She always keeps a reserve supply of medication in case of emergencies.
21. The national park is a designated reserve for the protection of endangered species.