1. beams [形容词] 光芒四射的;笑容满面的。名词
1. beams [名词] 横梁;光束;电波束。 2. beams [名词] (复数) 喜气洋洋的脸色;笑声。词语辨析
1. beam [动词] 发射(激光、电波等);微笑。 2. beam [名词] 光线;横梁。词汇扩充
1. laser beams [名词短语] 激光束。 2. radio beams [名词短语] 无线电波束。 3. wooden beams [名词短语] 木梁。近义词
1. rays [名词] 光线。 2. bars [名词] 条状物。反义词
1. darkness [名词] 黑暗。 2. frown [动词] 皱眉。柯林斯词典
1. beam [动词] 发射光线;微笑 例句:The lighthouse beam guided ships safely to harbor. (灯塔的光束将船只安全引导进港。) 例句:He beamed with joy when he saw her. (当他看到她时,他喜笑颜开。) 2. beam [名词] 光线;横梁 例句:The sunbeam shone through the window. (阳光透过窗户照射进来。) 例句:The old house had sturdy wooden beams supporting the ceiling. (老房子有坚固的木梁支撑着天花板。)例句
- The sun beams through the clouds, illuminating the landscape. (阳光透过云层,照亮了风景。)
- He walked into the room with a big beam on his face. (他笑容满面地走进房间。)
- The construction workers installed the wooden beams to support the weight of the roof. (建筑工人安装木梁来支撑屋顶的重量。)
- The lighthouse's powerful beam guided ships safely to shore. (灯塔强大的光束将船只安全地引导到岸边。)
- She beamed with pride as her artwork was displayed in the gallery. (当她的艺术作品在画廊展出时,她充满自豪地笑了。)
- The laser beams cut through the metal with precision. (激光束精确地切割金属。)
- His face lit up with a bright beam when he saw the surprise party. (当他看到惊喜派对时,他的脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。)
- The radio beams transmitted the signal across long distances. (无线电波束将信号传输到远距离。)
- She couldn't help but beam with happiness as she walked down the aisle on her wedding day. (在她的婚礼当天,她忍不住幸福地笑了起来。)
- The child's innocent beam melted the hearts of everyone in the room. (孩子天真的笑容融化了房间里每个人的心。)
- The old bridge was supported by sturdy beams made of steel. (老桥由坚固的钢梁支撑着。)
- He couldn't hide his excitement and beamed with delight. (他无法掩饰自己的兴奋,笑容洋溢。)
- The beam of light illuminated the path in the dark forest. (光线的束照亮了黑暗森林中的路径。)
- The gymnast performed a graceful beam routine during the competition. (体操运动员在比赛中表演了优美的平衡木动作。)
- His contagious laughter filled the room with beams of joy. (他具有感染力的笑声使房间充满了喜悦。)
- The satellite's radio beams transmitted signals around the world. (卫星的无线电波束将信号传输到全球。)
- The child's innocent beams brightened up the room. (孩子天真的笑容照亮了房间。)
- She beamed at her team's victory in the championship. (她因队伍在锦标赛中的胜利而笑逐颜开。)
- They used a crane to lift the heavy steel beams into place. (他们用起重机将沉重的钢梁吊装到位。)
- The concert hall was filled with the beams of a thousand spotlights. (音乐厅里充满了数千个聚光灯的光束。)
- She beams with pride whenever her children achieve something great. (每当她的孩子取得了伟大的成就时,她都会洋溢着自豪的笑容。)