- 遇到困难;有问题;有麻烦
- 困扰的;麻烦的
- 困难;问题;麻烦
- encounter difficulties(遇到困难)
- face challenges(面临挑战)
- deal with problems(处理问题)
- experience issues(经历问题)
- strugglewith
- have difficulty with
- face problems with
- handle easily(轻松应对)
- manage smoothly(顺利处理)
- cope with no trouble(应对无困难)
havetroublewith (动词)
- to experience difficulties or problems with
- to struggle or find it difficult to perform or understand something
havetroublewith (动词)
- experience difficulty or problems with
- struggle to do or understand something
- I'm having trouble with this math problem.(我在这道数学题上遇到了困难。)
- She had trouble with her car and couldn't start it.(她的车出了问题,无法发动。)
- He always has trouble with public speaking.(他总是在公众演讲方面有困难。)
- I'm in a troublewith situation right now.(我现在处于困境中。)
- She is having a troublewith relationship.(她的感情关系有问题。)
- I'm having troublewith my computer. Could you help me fix it?(我的电脑出问题了,你能帮我修好吗?)
- We had troublewith the new software. It kept crashing.(我们使用这个新软件时遇到了问题,总是崩溃。)
- He had troublewith his speech and stumbled over his words.(他在演讲时遇到了困难,结结巴巴地说话。)
- She always has troublewith time management.(她总是在时间管理方面有困难。)
- They had troublewith their relationship and decided to break up.(他们的感情出了问题,决定分手。)
- We're having troublewith the plumbing in our house.(我们家的水管出了问题。)
- He had troublewith the pronunciation of some words.(他对某些词的发音有困难。)
- The company is having troublewith its finances.(公司在财务方面遇到了困难。)
- She had troublewith the new dance routine, but she eventually mastered it.(她对这个新的舞蹈编排有困难,但最终掌握了。)
- We had troublewith the directions and got lost.(我们对路线有问题,迷路了。)
- I've had troublewith my tooth for a while now. I should see a dentist.(我的牙齿有问题一段时间了,我应该去看牙医。)
- He had troublewith the concept at first, but with practice, he understood it better.(他一开始对这个概念有困难,但通过练习,他理解得更好了。)
- She's having troublewith her boss at work.(她在工作中与老板有问题。)
- The students had troublewith the difficult assignment.(学生们在这个困难的作业上遇到了困难。)
- I had a lot of troublewith the new software.(我对这个新软件遇到了很多问题。)
- He had troublewith his car engine and had to call a mechanic.(他的车发动机出了问题,不得不打电话叫个修理工。)
- She had troublewith the lock and couldn't open the door.(她锁有问题,无法打开门。)
- We had troublewith the delivery of the package.(我们的包裹送货出了问题。)
- They had troublewith the hotel reservation and had to find another place to stay.(他们的酒店预订有问题,不得不另找地方住。)
- I had troublewith my phone and couldn't make any calls.(我的手机有问题,无法打电话。)