solfeggio [sɒlfɛˈdʒiːəʊ] (名词)
solfeggio [sɒlfɛˈdʒiːəʊ] (形容词)
solfeggio 与solfege 都源自意大利语,是音乐教育中的术语。它们的含义非常接近,但solfeggio 更常用于描述音乐音阶和声音疗法,而solfege 更常用于描述音乐教育中的唱名系统。
相关词汇:musical scale (音乐音阶), sound therapy (声音疗法), composition (音乐作品)
solfège, tonic sol-fa, solmization
solfeggio (名词)
1. 音乐音阶的名称
2. 一种声音疗法,使用特定频率的音乐来改善身心健康
3. 音乐作品,特指由维尼奥·阿德里亚诺·贝尼维尼所创作的音乐作品
solfeggio (名词)
1. 音乐音阶的名称
2. 一种声音疗法,使用特定频率的音乐来改善身心健康
3. 音乐作品,特指由维尼奥·阿德里亚诺·贝尼维尼所创作的音乐作品
1. He is studying the solfeggio to improve his musical skills. (他正在学习音乐音阶以提高他的音乐技能。)
2. She enjoys the benefits of solfeggio for relaxation. (她享受着音乐疗法放松身心的益处。)
3. The concert will feature a performance of solfeggio by Vigno Adriano Benivini. (音乐会将演奏维尼奥·阿德里亚诺·贝尼维尼的音乐作品。)
1. The music teacher taught the students to sing the solfeggio scale. (音乐教师教学生们唱音乐音阶。)
2. The sound therapist used solfeggio frequencies to promote healing. (声音治疗师使用音乐频率促进治疗。)
3. The composer's latest solfeggio composition received critical acclaim. (这位作曲家最新的音乐作品受到了广泛好评。)
4. The choir practiced their solfeggio exercises to improve their pitch accuracy. (合唱团练习唱名以提高音准。)
5. The solfeggio therapy session helped reduce stress and promote relaxation. (音乐疗法会话有助于减轻压力并促进放松。)
6. The musician composed a beautiful piece based on the solfeggio scale. (音乐家创作了一首基于音乐音阶的美妙乐曲。)
7. The solfeggio frequencies are believed to have positive effects on the body's energy centers. (人们相信音乐频率对身体的能量中心有积极影响。)
8. The singer's performance of the solfeggio was mesmerizing. (歌手对音乐音阶的演绎令人陶醉。)
9. The sound therapist recommended listening to solfeggio music for relaxation before bedtime. (声音治疗师建议在睡前听音乐疗法放松身心。)
10. The orchestra rehearsed the solfeggio composition for the upcoming concert. (管弦乐团为即将到来的音乐会排练了这首音乐作品。)
11. The solfeggio exercise helped the students develop their ear for music. (音乐唱名练习帮助学生培养了对音乐的听觉。)
12. The soothing solfeggio melodies created a calming atmosphere in the room. (舒缓的音乐音阶创造了房间里的宁静氛围。)
13. The solfeggio frequencies are believed to have harmonizing effects on the mind and body. (人们相信音乐频率对心灵和身体有和谐的影响。)
14. The singer's voice effortlessly glided through the solfeggio scale. (歌手的声音毫不费力地穿越了音乐音阶。)
15. The solfeggio therapy session helped alleviate the patient's anxiety and stress. (音乐疗法会话有助于缓解患者的焦虑和压力。)
16. The pianist demonstrated exceptional skill in playing the solfeggio composition. (钢琴家展示了在演奏音乐作品方面的非凡技巧。)
17. The solfeggio exercises improved the choir's ability to sing in harmony. (音乐唱名练习提高了合唱团的和声能力。)
18. The sound therapist recommended incorporating solfeggio music into the daily wellness routine. (声音治疗师建议将音乐疗法融入日常健康计划中。)
19. The solfeggio frequencies resonated deeply within the listener, evoking strong emotions. (音乐频率在听众心中深深共鸣,引发强烈的情感。)
20. The singer's performance of the solfeggio piece captivated the audience. (歌手对音乐作品的演唱吸引住了观众。)