动词 oversubscribe
英文翻译:oversubscribe, over-subscribe
形容词 oversubscribed
名词 oversubscription
1. 形容词 oversubscribed:超额认购的,指某项产品、服务或活动的需求超过了可供应的数量。
2. 名词 oversubscription:超额认购,指某项产品、服务或活动的需求超过了可供应的数量。
oversubscribe 和 overbook 都有“超额预订”的意思,但两者的使用场景略有不同。oversubscribe 更常用于金融、证券等领域,表示投资者认购的数量超过了可供认购的数量。overbook 则更常用于航空、旅游等领域,表示预定的数量超过了可供应的数量。
- subscribe:认购,订阅
- subscription:认购,订阅
- overbook:超额预订
- overbooked:超额预订的
- overbook
- overallocate
- undersubscribe
- underbook
oversubscribe (verb): If shares or other goods are oversubscribed, there are more applications to buy them than there are shares or goods available.
oversubscribed (adjective): If a service or event is oversubscribed, there are more people who want to use it or attend it than there are places available.
oversubscribe (verb): Subscribe for or apply for more of (a loan, shares, etc.) than can be provided.
oversubscribed (adjective): (Of an issue of shares) having more applications for purchase than can be satisfied.
1. The IPO was oversubscribed, with investors clamoring for a piece of the company.
2. The conference was oversubscribed, and many people were left disappointed.
3. The oversubscribed concert tickets sold out within minutes.
- The new product was oversubscribed as soon as it hit the market. 这个新产品一上市就超额认购。
- The oversubscribed event had to turn away many attendees. 这个过度认购的活动不得不拒绝很多参与者。
- Investors rushed to oversubscribe the shares of the tech company. 投资者蜂拥认购这家科技公司的股票。
- The oversubscribed loan caused delays in the approval process. 这笔超额认购的贷款导致了审批进程的延迟。
- The oversubscribed conference had to find a larger venue to accommodate all the participants. 这个过度认购的会议不得不找到一个更大的场地来容纳所有参与者。
- The oversubscription of the concert tickets resulted in high prices on the resale market. 音乐会门票的超额认购导致了二次销售市场上的高价。
- The oversubscribed IPO created a lot of buzz in the investment community. 这次超额认购的首次公开募股在投资界引起了很大反响。
- Due to oversubscription, only a limited number of applicants were selected for the program. 由于超额认购,只有有限数量的申请人被选入该项目。
- Investors were disappointed when they couldn't oversubscribe the highly anticipated offering. 当投资者无法超额认购备受期待的新股时,他们感到失望。
- The oversubscribed loan facility had to be increased to meet the high demand. 为了满足高需求,这个超额认购的贷款额度不得不增加。
- The oversubscribed conference attracted participants from all over the world. 这个过度认购的会议吸引了来自世界各地的参与者。
- Despite oversubscription, the company was unable to secure additional funding. 尽管超额认购,但公司无法获得额外的资金。
- The oversubscribed event was a huge success, with attendees praising its organization. 这个过度认购的活动取得了巨大的成功,参与者对其组织工作赞不绝口。
- Due to oversubscription, some applicants had to be placed on a waiting list. 由于超额认购,一些申请人不得不被列入候补名单。
- The oversubscribed shares were allocated on a pro-rata basis. 超额认购的股票按比例分配。
- The oversubscribed seminar had to be streamed online to accommodate all the interested participants. 这个过度认购的研讨会不得不通过网络直播以容纳所有感兴趣的参与者。
- The oversubscribed bond offering attracted a diverse group of investors. 这次超额认购的债券发行吸引了各种类型的投资者。
- The oversubscribed service had to implement a lottery system to allocate spots. 这个过度认购的服务不得不实行抽签制来分配名额。
- Despite the oversubscription, the company decided to stick with its original allocation plan. 尽管有超额认购,公司决定坚持原来的分配计划。
- The oversubscribed concert was a testament to the artist's popularity. 这场过度认购的音乐会证明了艺术家的受欢迎程度。