《柯林斯词典》(Collins Dictionary)
hard-boiled (ˌhɑːdˈbɔɪld) 1. (人) 铁石心肠的,铁石心肠的人没有同情心或感情的人。2. (小说或电影) 精明强硬的,常用于描述冷酷无情的侦探小说或电影。
3. (食物) 煮得硬的,煮得硬的食物通常指煮得很久且不容易咬烂的食物。
4. (脸色) 煞白的,形容人的脸色苍白或煞白。
hard-boiled 1. (食物) 煮得硬的鸡蛋,通常指煮得很久的鸡蛋,蛋黄和蛋白都变得坚硬。2. (人) 铁石心肠的人,没有同情心或感情的人。
3. (小说或电影) 精明强硬的侦探小说或电影,通常描绘暴力和犯罪。
hard-boiled 与 tough 的区别在于,hard-boiled 强调的是冷酷无情和精明强硬,而 tough 则强调坚韧和强硬。词汇扩充
1. hard-boiled detective 精明强硬的侦探2. hard-boiled crime novel 冷酷无情的犯罪小说
3. hard-boiled eggs 煮得硬的鸡蛋
1. tough 粗暴的,强硬的2. callous 冷酷无情的
3. unfeeling 没有同情心的
1. soft-hearted 善良的,心肠软的2. sentimental 多愁善感的
3. sensitive 敏感的
《牛津词典》(Oxford Dictionary)
hard-boiled (/ˌhɑːdˈbɔɪld/) 1. (人) 铁石心肠的,冷酷无情的。2. (小说或电影) 精明强硬的,通常描述冷酷无情的侦探小说或电影。
3. (食物) 煮得硬的,特指煮得时间较长的食物。
hard-boiled 1. (食物) 煮得硬的鸡蛋,通常指煮得很久的鸡蛋,蛋黄和蛋白都变得坚硬。2. (人) 铁石心肠的人,冷酷无情的人。
3. (小说或电影) 精明强硬的侦探小说或电影,通常描绘暴力和犯罪。
1. hard-boiled detective 精明强硬的侦探2. hard-boiled crime novel 冷酷无情的犯罪小说
3. hard-boiled eggs 煮得硬的鸡蛋
1. She's a hard-boiled businesswoman who doesn't let emotions get in her way.(她是一个铁石心肠的女商人,不让情感阻碍她的发展。)2. The detective in the novel is portrayed as a hard-boiled investigator with a dark past.(小说中的侦探被描绘成一个有着黑暗过去的冷酷无情的调查员。)
3. The hard-boiled eggs were difficult to peel.(那些煮得很久的鸡蛋很难剥。)
4. His hard-boiled expression gave nothing away.(他冷酷的表情没有透露任何信息。)
5. I prefer my eggs hard-boiled rather than soft-boiled.(我更喜欢煮得硬一些的鸡蛋,而不是软煮的。)
6. The hard-boiled detective always gets his man.(这个精明强硬的侦探总是能找到犯人。)
7. The hard-boiled crime novel is filled with suspense and violence.(这本冷酷无情的犯罪小说充满了悬疑和暴力。)
8. She's known for her hard-boiled approach to business.(她以其强硬的经营方式而闻名。)
9. He cracked the shell of the hard-boiled egg and peeled it carefully.(他敲破了那个煮得硬的鸡蛋的壳,小心地剥开。)
10. The film is a classic hard-boiled detective story set in the 1940s.(这部电影是一部经典的20世纪40年代背景下的冷酷无情的侦探故事。)
11. Despite his hard-boiled exterior, he had a soft spot for stray animals.(尽管他表面上冷酷无情,但他对流浪动物有一颗软心。)
12. The suspect remained hard-boiled during the police interrogation.(在警方的审讯中,嫌疑人保持着冷酷无情的态度。)
13. The recipe calls for two hard-boiled eggs, chopped finely.(这个食谱需要两个煮得硬的鸡蛋,切碎。)
14. The hard-boiled crime thriller kept me on the edge of my seat.(这部冷酷无情的犯罪惊悚片让我紧张不已。)
15. The detective's hard-boiled attitude helped him solve the case.(这位侦探的强硬态度帮助他解决了这个案件。)
16. The suspect's hard-boiled demeanor gave nothing away.(嫌疑人冷酷无情的举止没有透露任何信息。)
17. He ordered a plate of hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.(他点了一份煮得硬的鸡蛋当早餐。)
18. The detective's hard-boiled approach to solving crimes often led to controversial outcomes.(这位侦探在解决犯罪问题时的强硬方式经常导致争议性的结果。)
19. The hard-boiled crime novel was filled with gritty realism.(这本冷酷无情的犯罪小说充满了粗糙的现实主义。)
20. Despite his hard-boiled reputation, he showed a tender side when it came to his family.(尽管他以冷酷无情而闻名,但在家庭问题上,他展示了温柔的一面。)