形容词(prosthetic): - (医学) 与人工肢体或其他假体有关的 - (艺术) 制作或使用假体的 名词(prosthetics): - (医学) 假肢学,人工肢体学 - (艺术) 假体制作词语辨析
- prosthesis: 假体,特指与身体缺失或损伤有关的人工肢体或器官替代物 - prosthetics: 假体学,涵盖制作、使用和研究人工肢体或器官替代物的学科领域词汇扩充
- prosthetic limb: 假肢 - dental prosthesis: 牙科义齿 - facial prosthesis: 面部义齿 - ocular prosthesis: 眼科义眼近义词
- artificial limb - limb replacement - artificial prosthesis反义词
- natural limb - intact body part柯林斯词典
prosthetics (noun): 1. the branch of surgery or of dentistry that deals with the replacement of missing parts with artificial structures. 2. the science or study of prostheses, artificial body parts, or aids for disabled people.牛津词典
prosthetics (noun): 1. the branch of surgery concerned with the production and attachment of artificial limbs or prostheses. 2. the occupation or practice of a prosthetist.用法
- He lost his leg in an accident and now uses a prosthetic limb. 他在事故中失去了一条腿,现在使用假肢。 - The movie's special effects team created amazing prosthetics for the alien characters. 电影的特效团队为外星人角色制作了惊人的假体。例句
- The athlete competes with the help of a prosthetic leg. 这位运动员在假肢的帮助下参赛。
- He specializes in prosthetic dentistry. 他专攻人工牙科。
- She underwent surgery to receive a prosthetic eye. 她接受了手术,植入了假眼。
- The company is a leading manufacturer of prosthetic limbs. 该公司是假肢制造领域的领先制造商。
- Prosthetics have greatly improved the quality of life for amputees. 假体学极大地提高了截肢者的生活质量。
- He is studying prosthetics in order to design better artificial limbs. 他正在学习假体学,以便设计更好的人工肢体。
- Her prosthetic arm allows her to perform everyday tasks with ease. 她的假臂让她轻松地完成日常任务。
- The prosthetic hand is designed to mimic natural movements. 这个假手的设计旨在模仿自然动作。
- His facial prosthesis helped restore his confidence after the accident. 事故后,他的面部义齿帮助他恢复了信心。
- Modern prosthetics are becoming increasingly advanced and lifelike. 现代假体越来越先进和逼真。
- The prosthetic leg gave him the ability to walk again. 假肢让他再次能够行走。
- She works as a prosthetist, creating custom artificial limbs for patients. 她作为假肢专家为患者制作定制的人工肢体。
- They are researching new materials for prosthetic implants. 他们正在研究用于假体植入物的新材料。
- Prosthetics have revolutionized the field of medical technology. 假体学已经彻底改变了医疗技术领域。
- He had to undergo several surgeries to get fitted with a prosthetic limb. 他不得不接受几次手术来安装假肢。
- The prosthetic ear is designed to look and function like a natural ear. 这个假耳朵的设计旨在外观和功能上与真耳相似。
- She is learning how to walk again with her new prosthetic leg. 她正在学习如何使用新的假肢再次行走。
- The prosthetic arm allowed him to continue pursuing his passion for playing the guitar. 假臂使他能够继续追求弹奏吉他的激情。
- Prosthetics have come a long way in terms of comfort and functionality. 在舒适性和功能性方面,假体已经取得了长足的进步。
- Her prosthetic hand is equipped with advanced sensors for better control. 她的假手配备了先进的传感器,以便更好地控制。